Euthanasia From Greek “EU” and “Thanatos” - means “good death” The idea is that you go out on your own terms and by your own free will
First Distinctions Voluntary – The person chooses it Non-voluntary – The person is not capable of the choice Involuntary it is against the person’s wishes
Second Distinctions Passive Euthanasia - “Pulling the plug” Ending “extraordinary means,” e.g., a feeding tube or a ventilator Active Euthanasia - Someone must induce death - Direct = the doctor does it - indirect = the doctor helps the patient to do it herself.
Do we have a right to take our own lives? Always? Sometimes? Never?
Arguments for Euthanasia The Argument from the patient's right to choose P1: Patients have an absolute right over their own lives P2: Legally forbidden euthanasia denies them this right ___________________ C:Patients should be allowed euthanasia
The argument from mercy P1: To force a patient to endure pointless suffering is cruel P2: To permit a patient to end their suffering is merciful P3: We ought to be merciful and not cruel C: We should allow euthanasia
Physician Assisted Suicide
Against Euthanasia It's always wrong to take a life! Kant (Deontology) P1: A Person must always be treated with absolute value P2: To kill a person – even yourself – is not to treat a person with absolute value ----------------------------------- C: You may not kill any innocent person, even yourself
A Doctor must never kill a patient for any reason
Killing vs “Allowing to die”
Dangerous precedent
It's God's choice not ours P1: God is the author of life and death P2: It is blasphemy to “play God” and take that role on ourselves P3: In addition, God must have a reason for having us go through this pain C: We cannot take our own lives even in the face of terminal illness and terrible pain