Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return 1 Timothy 6:11 - 21
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return BACKGROUND Letter written by Paul in around 64 AD Written to Timothy who he had left in Ephesus to lead the church there In these verses Paul gives final instructions to Timothy emphasising the need to remain faithful as we await the return of Jesus
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return What is Paul expecting Timothy to do? Understand the current situation (11 – 12a) Flee – from false teaching, greed, pride, a love of money Follow – the way of love, persevere, a godly life Fight – the good fight of faith, the spiritual battle
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return What is Paul expecting Timothy to do? Remember the future promises of God (12b – 15a) Take hold of eternal life Take heart from Jesus’ example of suffering and obedience to God Be comforted by the certainty of Jesus’ return
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return What is Paul expecting Timothy to do? Give glory to God (15b – 16) Paul cannot help but praise God (see also 1:17) Sovereign over all King of kings and Lord of lords Everlasting Dwelling in light
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return What is Paul expecting Timothy to do? The future return of Jesus shapes the present(17 - 19) Aiming for financial gain in the present shows a lack of understanding of the future How we use our wealth in the present will prepare us for eternal life and the rewards God gives to faithful servants
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return What is Paul expecting Timothy to do? The current dangers to the church in Ephesus needs action (20 -21) Guard the gospel (20a) Avoid error (20b -21) God’s grace will be with them to accomplish His will
Living faithfully as we await Jesus’ return LESSONS FOR TODAY Jesus’ return is closer now than in Timothy’s time – the advice given is even more urgent Guard and fight for the truth of the gospel Beware false teachers who add or subtract from scripture Use the finance we have to do good Eagerly await Jesus’ return and live a life worthy of His name