Mission Praise – number 847


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Presentation transcript:

Mission Praise – number 847 How do we start Chris Rolinson Mission Praise – number 847 © 1992 Chris Rolinson CCL Licence 37003

How do we start to touch the broken hearts, 1. How do we start to touch the broken hearts, the barren lives, the lonely and bereaved? Lord, in Your name we shall go forth: Your healing power for ever is the same! That the world may believe, that the world may believe, that the world may believe in You! MP 847 1/3

We shall proclaim the love of Jesus Christ - 2. We shall proclaim the love of Jesus Christ - a man of sorrows, yet a man divine; His worthiness, His loveliness, His faithfulness for ever we will sing! That the world may believe, that the world may believe, that the world may believe in You! MP 847 2/3

And so we go into a lonely world 2. And so we go into a lonely world where fear reigns and sorrow fills the air; yet, as we go Your Spirit comes - Your cleansing power You give to us to share! That the world may believe, that the world may believe, that the world may believe in You! MP 847 3/3