SW-PBS - Multi-tiered Framework at The Rise Tier 3 – FOR SOME PUPILS: Individualised rewards, 1:1 support for teaching and learning or behaviour Tier 1 - FOR EVERY PUPIL: Rewards, Coping strategies taught (e.g. Taking a break, Asking for help); Mindfulness & Yoga taught; Core values of Kindness, Pride and Resilience taught and reinforced; Social Skills’ teaching embedded throughout curriculum; Visual strategies consistent; Consistent reinforcement and consequence strategies for all; Wellbeing curriculum taught to all; Tier 2 – FOR SOME PUPILS: Targeted social skills’ groups, SaLT, OT, phonics group, Maths intervention, Girls’ group
Expectations and alternative behaviours modelled, taught and reinforced I will use these positive strategies when I feel angry or frustrated, sad or anxious: Help me please
Our consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviour