This plan belongs to: Liz, MYP 2 Design and 5 Art Goal Setting 2017-2018 Reflections MYP 1-5 This plan belongs to: Liz, MYP 2 Design and 5 Art
What is something that you do now that makes you practice a 'discipline?' Something you do again and again just to get good at it? (Football, Dance, Cooking, Gaming, Swimming etc…) Yoga What Skills are involved? Balance, Concentration, Stillness, flexibility, not falling asleep, peace, Mindfulness
Have you worked with Design projects before Have you worked with Design projects before? (in school or out of school, created or learned at home?) Yes. I have done a few classes and had a few form of design studies. If you could become good at any skill in Design, what would it be? (graphics, photography, film, architecture, coding, model building, fashion, sustainability, food design…etc.) Jewellery Design – small product design
A. Inquiring and Analyzing B. Developing Ideas C. Creating the solution D. Evaluating In Design you have 4 criteria. Which are you best at? Why? C - Creating. I like it. I make stuff. Which of these SKILLs or DISCIPLINE s would you like to be better at? I would like to make drawings of my ideas for jewellery designs. What can you do to become better? I can start drawing designs. I can learn to describe the drawings with labels or annotation.
Design Goals Mood Board Create a MOOD BOARD that shows what you would like to get better at. This is what I can do now This is what I would like to do someday What can I do For Class? These are designs for projects that we make in class. I can make sure that the ideas I develop in class are really well done, for practice. What Can I Do to Follow My Idea? This is what I can do, on my own to get better at my interest
My Design Goal is: What SKILL/DISCIPLINE do you want to improve? Drawing my ideas and writing about them. Which Criteria fits? Criteria B: Developing Ideas What grade do I have now? 4 Where will you show development? (Process Journal, Blog, Projects, tasks, organization, exhibition, performance?) Process Journal and Photo it and put it on my blog. I am going to start a site page about jewellery so I can think about it regularly and show what I make at home. How can I practice and do the work? II know I have to draw really detailed stuff and communicate my ideas. I will start there. How will this help me improve my work? I will get better at drawing and writing about my ideas. What grade do I want to get? 5/6 Where can I use this in other subjects? Science - show my work by diagramming. When do I expect to check my progress? By December I will: In the next unit I will learn more about how I can make a really interesting drawing for a plan. By March I will: Have my designs for two units on my blog Extra drawings of my jewellery design This year I want to set the goal to: Improving my grades in Criteria C to 5-6 becoming better at Developing Ideas through Drawing and Annotating in my Process Journal
What arts topics and subjects have you worked with in the past? Did you take classes, train, learn yourself? (Music, dance, drama and visual art, photography, film, graphics, fashion, illustration, jewellery, ceramics....etc.) I have done a lot. Music, theatre, art. All my life, sometimes in school and always at home. If you could become good at the arts, what would it be? Right now I would like to develop my skills in Photography. I have taken a lot of photography classes and I am interested in analogue photo (the old kind!) where you can paint with chemicals.
In the ARTS you have 4 criteria. Which are you best at? Why? A. Knowledge and Understanding B. Developing Skills C. Creative Thinking D. Responding. In the ARTS you have 4 criteria. Which are you best at? Why? I am best at creative thinking because I have ideas all the time. Which of these criteria would you like to be better at? (this could be media specific...''I want to learn to use...'') Well. I don’t like it much but if I want to learn about these old techniques I have to do a LOT of research to find the chemicals and conditions. I have to make experiments and record results. What will you do to become better? I need to start with a simple method. I found one called Salt Print.
Arts Goals Mood Board This is what I can do now – digital process Create a MOOD BOARD that shows what you would like to get better at. This is what I can do now – digital process This is what I would like to do someday: Ambrotype What Can I Do to Follow My Idea? This is what I can do, on my own to get better at my interest. This is a salt print project I found on line. I could try it. What can I do For Class? I can start taking photography notes for each of my unit projects.
My Arts Goal is: What SKILL/DISCIPLINE do you want to improve? Recording Photography so I can learn a new technique Which Criteria fits? Criterion A, Knowledge and Understanding Where will you show the development? (Process Journal, Blog, Projects, tasks, organization, exhibition, performance?) Process journal, Blog under Photography How can I practice and do the work? In class I can use photo as a step to most all of my projects. I will record what I do more scientifically. How will this help me improve my work? I will get better at research and my grade will go up Where can I use this skill or discipline in other subjects? Science, IAS, Personal Project When do I expect to check my progress? By December I will: Use my project to work with photo. If I can I will use SALT photo for the final work. (By March I will:) Have 2 projects in Art and one in Design that uses photography. This year I want to set the goal to: Improving my grades in criteria A to 5-6 by becoming better at recording experiments in photography in the Process Journal.