Proposer: National Grid NTS Panel Date: 17th April 2014 0493: Mod Title: EU Gas Balancing Code - Daily Nominations at Interconnection Points (IP) Proposer: National Grid NTS Panel Date: 17th April 2014
Why change? Existing requirements for Nominations at GB Interconnection Points (TPD Section C) are not compliant with EU Network Code requirements from October 2015 EU Balancing Code EU Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM) Code EU Interoperability Code New requirements for National Grid NTS interaction with adjacent TSO at each IP Modification Proposal ‘Why Change’ section explains at a high level the end to end process (including Transporter to Transporter interaction) to add context
Options Changes are required to the UNC to specify the User to Transporter and Transporter to User obligations in the revised nominations process at IPs To a large extent mandated by EU Codes National Grid has sought to maintain consistency with prevailing GB arrangements (where possible) if EU Codes are silent
Solution New Terms Application Nominations General Processing of Nominations Processing of Renominations Rejection and Revision of Nominations and Renominations Processing of Renominations associated with Physical or Locational Trades
Recommended Steps The Proposer recommends that this modification should be: Not subject to self-governance because implementation of this Modification Proposal is likely to have a material effect on commercial activities connected with the transportation of gas conveyed via the National Transmission System and the operation of this pipeline system. This is due to the changes proposed to a number of timed Nomination processes between Users and National Grid NTS. Workgroup assessment to develop the modification for 6 months