Foundations of the 19th Century – Nationalism - Racism Primary Document Analysis
Text Interpreting Protocol Read the text you have been assigned carefully to yourself. Vocabulary Aryan - a non-Jewish Caucasian, especially of Nordic stock. Anti-Semitism- discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
Step 1 Review the text you just read and select: A SENTENCE that helped you understand the big idea of the text. Write it on a GREEN post-it.
Step 2 Review the text and select: A PHRASE that engaged or provoked you. Write it on a PINK post-it.
Step 3 Review the text one last time and select: A WORD that grabbed your attention or struck you as powerful. Write it on a BLUE post-it.
Group Share-out In your table group, take turns briefly sharing your responses. Explain why you selected the sentence, phrase, word that you chose. One member of the group groups the notes for each response at the center of the table by color. Look at your responses & answer the 1st set of questions on your table group analysis sheet. Move your post-its to the appropriate white-board group
Group Comparisons Now analyze the responses of another group that read the same text. What do you notice about their comments? Are they similar to yours? Different? How? Answer this question on your table group analysis sheet.
Other Text Comparison Now analyze the responses of a group that read the other text. What do you notice about their comments? Are they similar to yours? Different? How? Answer this question on your table group analysis sheet.
Final reflection & discussion Answer the 2 final reflection questions on your table group analysis sheet with your group. GROUP QUESTIONS: Which of the 6 bonds of nationalism (culture, history, language, territory, nationality, religion) did the authors use to support their arguments? How did these 2 texts illustrate possible connections between nationalism and racism?