Littleton, CO “Anything but little!”
Littleton Statistics Population: 44,639 People per square mile: 3,215 Average Cost of Home: $350,485 Average Rental: $940 Average cost of gas: $2.39
Economic Breakdown Median Income for Family: $74,744 Population living below poverty: 6% Unemployment Rate: 4%
Racial Breakdown Caucasian: 89% Hispanic/Latino: 12.4% Asian: 2.2% African American: 1.4% American Indian: .1%
Age/Gender Breakdown 48.3% Male & 51.7% Female Under 18: 21.6% 18-24: 7.7% 25-44: 25.6% 45-64: 29.3% 65 + : 15.8%
Education Breakdown High School or higher: 95.5% Bachelor’s degree or higher: 45.7% Graduate or Professional Degree: 17.0%
Religious Breakdown No Religion: 66.6% Catholic: 12.1% Evangelical Protestant: 11.2% Mainline Protestant: 4.9% Other: 4.6 %
Song Arcade Fire “The Suburbs” “The kids want to be so hard but in my dreams We're still screaming and running through the yard When all of the walls that they built in the seventies finally fall And all of the houses they built in the seventies finally fall Meant nothing at all, meant nothing at all, it meant nothing”