Into a New Century 1922 - Today Chapter 24 Into a New Century 1922 - Today
24.1 The Computer and Technology Revolution - Objectives - Describe the development of the computer and its impact on business and industry. Analyze the impact of new technology on communications. Explain how globalization and the rise of the service sector affected the American economy.
Tennessee Curriculum Standard 24.1 EH10.1.1 Match innovators/entrepreneurs in the “new economy.” EH10.5.3 Analyze effects of global trade, competition, and government actions on U.S. economy.
Terms and People 24.1 Personal Computer Biotechnology Satellite Internet Globalization Multinational Corporation Service Economy
Lecture 24.1 Technology Changes American Life A Communications Revolution A Changing American Economy
Formative Assessment 24.1 Web Code= [nad] [1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-5)
24.2 The Clinton Presidency - Objectives - Explain why Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992. Assess he success of Clinton’s domestic policies. Describe the Contract With America and its impact. Analyze the Clinton impeachment.
Tennessee Curriculum Standard 24.2 EH10.4.3 Compare/contrast Regan, Bush. And Clinton administrations and the nature of their political opposition.
Terms and People 24.2 William Jefferson Clinton H. Ross Perot Family Medical Leave Act Brady Bill Newt Gingrich Contract With America Kenneth Starr Impeachment
Lecture 24.2 The 1992 Election Clinton’s Domestic Policies The Republicans Galvanize Scandals, Impeachment, and Trial
Formative Assessment 24.2 Web Code= [nad]-[1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-5)
24.3 Global Politics and Economics - Objectives - Analyze how the United States responded to changes in the global economy. Assess the foreign policy goals and actions of the Clinton administration. Describe U.S. relations with various Middle Eastern countries and groups.
Tennessee Curriculum Standard 24.3 EH10.5.3 Analyze effects global trade, competition, and government on U.S. economy.
Terms and People 24.3 E.U. N.A.F.T.A. G.A.T.T. W.T.O. Ethnic Cleansing Al Qaeda
Lecture 24.3 Competing in the Global Economy America and the Middle East
Formative Assessment 24.3 Web Code= [nad]-[1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-5)
24.4 The George W. Bush Presidency - Objectives - Assess the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Explain the goals and achievements of George W. Bush’s domestic policy. Analyze the impact of terrorist attacks on the United States. Summarize the important issues of Bush’s second term.
Tennessee Curriculum Standard 24.4 EH10.4.3 Compare/contrast Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations and the nature of their political opposition.
Terms and People 24.4 George W. Bush Bush V. Gore No Child Left Behind Act Afghanistan Taliban Patriot Act Department of Homeland Security W.M.D.
Lecture 24.4 An Election Controversy America’s War on Terrorism Bush’s Second Term
Formative Assessment 24.4 Web Code= [nad]-[1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-5)
24.5 Americans Look to the Future - Objectives - Analyze the impact of immigration on American society. Summarize the causes and effects of changing demographics.
Tennessee Curriculum Standard 24.5 EH10.LE 6.1 Understand dynamics of modern American family. EH10 LE 6.2 Understand implications of changing American society.
Terms and People 24.5 Immigration Act of 1990 Bilingual Education Immigration and Control Act of 1986 Affirmative Action Violence Against Women Act Privatize
Lecture 24.5 Immigrants Shape a Nation Changing American Demographics
Formative Assessment 25.5 Web Code= [nad]-[1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Section 5 Progress Monitoring (1-5)
Summative Assessment Chapter 24 Web Code= [nad]-[1010] Social Studies Textbook Companion State (TN) Program (United States History) Reconstruction to the present (2008) Chapter 24 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1-20)