The Resurrections Part 1 Eschatology The Resurrections Part 1
The Possibility of Resurrection The apostasy of liberalism has long disbelieved the resurrection. In that they followed the theology of the Sadducees . (Acts 23:6) Those who reject the possibility of resurrection from the dead also disclaim any miracles and for that matter most of the truth proclaimed in the Word of God. This very issue lies at the heart of Paul’s defense before King Agrippa. (Acts 26:1-8)
Recorded Resurrections The son of the widow of Zarephath – 1 Ki. 17:17-24 The son of the Shunammite woman – 2 Ki. 4:18-37 The man whose body was cast into the tomb of Elisha – 2 Ki. 13:20,21 The daughter of Jarius – Luke 8:41-56 The son of the widow of Nain – Luke 7:12-15 Lazarus – John 11:41-44 Dorcas – Acts 9:40,41 Eutychus – Acts 20:9-12
All of these people died a second time All of these people died a second time. An enigmatic passage records a special resurrection associated with the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. (Mat. 27:52,53) It did not represent the Old Testament saints else the text would have said all of the saints instead of many. It is reasonable to assume that these people also died again.
The most significant and important resurrection was the triumphant resurrection of Christ.
Jesus announced His imminent death and subsequent resurrection well before the fact. (John 2:18-22; Mat. 16:21; 17:22,23; 20:17-19) The resurrection of Christ is pivotal to the entire message of redemption. Without a resurrected Lord, there is no salvation and no hope. (1 Cor. 15:12-22) Paul’s sermon in Acts 13:30-37 referenced the prophecies of Psalm 2 with respect to the reign of Messiah in the earth which demand the resurrection.
Peter referenced Psalm 16:20 as demanding the resurrection Peter referenced Psalm 16:20 as demanding the resurrection. (Acts 2:22-36) The oldest book of the Bible, Job, accentuates faith in both an eternal existence and a resurrected body. (Job 19:25 -27) Abraham was gathered to his people. (Genesis 25:8) This indicates a conscious existence beyond the grave. This conscious existence is the prospect of resurrection. Jesus Himself, in setting the Sadducees straight on the question of the resurrection declared eternal life. (Mark 12:24-27 )
Christ’s commentary to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus accentuated the same truth. (Luke 24:25-27)
In advance of raising Lazarus from the tomb, Jesus corrected Martha’s thinking about the truth of resurrection. (John 11:23-26) The resurrection of Christ was not done in a corner. (Acts 26:26) The resurrection of individuals was well authenticated. Resurrection is not only possible; it is inevitable. Such is the statement of the prophet Isaiah. (Isa. 26:19)