* Select an investigation that could be used to answer a specific question. * Analyze and communicate findings from multiple investigations of similar phenomena to reach a conclusion. * Use data from a simple investigation to determine how temperature change affects the rate of evaporation and condensation. * Describe factors that influence the rate at which different types of material freeze, melt, or evaporate * Evaluate an invention that solves a problem and determine ways to improve the design. * Students will use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. * Students will use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. * Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. * Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place. * Read, write, and compare decimals. * Add and divide decimals. * (Solve problems involving surface area and volume.) * Convert among different- sized standard measurement units within a given system and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real- world problems.
Mrs. ODell has a fountain in her garden. During July she must refill the fountain everyday or the water level will drop so low her pump will stop working and shell have to buy a new one. Mrs. ODell is too busy to refill her fountain everyday. Design a new fountain for her that will reduce the rate at which the water evaporates. Test Results Which material conducts the least heat? Which surface area reduces the rate at which the water will evaporate? Which mat co Question #1 eat ? Which surface area reduces the rate Question #2 Design Test Results
Place equal amounts of Crisco on the end of each rod. Press down until the end of the rod shows through the Crisco. Prepare the timer. Set the rods in the hot water and start the timer. Record the time when each rods Crisco begins to slide down the rod. Be sure to convert minutes to seconds and to write the milliseconds as a decimal.
Repeat the experiment 2-3 times. Average the melting times. Round the average to the nearest hundredth. Order the averages to show the fastest to the slowest conductors of heat. Graph the data. AFTER Completing the Surface Area Lab Use SolidWorks software to virtually design the fountain based on your knowledge of the best surface area and material. Use a 3-D printer to physically create a model.
The plastic will not conduct heat. The plastic will not melt lard as fast because it does not conduct enough heat to melt it as fast as steel, copper, and brass The plastic is an insulator not a conductor.
Experiments Investigations
Digital Cameras Computers PowerPoint Excel Timers SmartBoard
Each student in the group should sketch his or her own ideas as the group discusses ways to solve the problem. Labels and arrows should be included to identify parts and how they might move. These drawings should be quick and brief.
Remaining water in mL Conversions, rounding, comparing & ordering, graphing
Mrs. ODell we forgot to do math! (after 20 minutes of rounding and ordering decimals while working with our data) I like math like this!