Section 1 – Minerals and Resources - single element or compound (2+ elements - Most minerals are compounds - Most common mineral in earth’s crust is silica
Ore Minerals - Contains elements & economically valuable - GANGUE (no value) is mined with ore minerals. Gangue separated from ore, elements extracted from ore. Metallic Minerals conduct electricity, shiny surfaces, opaque
MINING AND MINERALS Nonmetallic Minerals Good insulators, shiny/dull surfaces, may allow light to pass through. Mining profitable when price of final product greater than costs of extraction and refining.
Periodic Table of Elements
MINING AND MINERALS Minerals form above and below surface Below – Hydrothermal solutions containing dissolved minerals flow through cracks in rock, cool and form ore veins. (Metallic ores)
MINERALS AND MINING ABOVE – Streams carry dissolved salts to sea/lakes, water evaporates and evaporites are left behind. (halite and gypsum)
Minerals and Mining Certain minerals have great economic and industrial importance. Aluminum…. Where is aluminum used?
Minerals and Mining
Minerals and Mining Copper: What is made of copper?
Minerals and Mining Copper:
Minerals and Mining What is made of Gold?
Minerals and Mining
Minerals and Mining Steel:
Minerals and Mining Lead:
Ore Minerals Before and After