Your Introduction A hook is needed to open the paper. An objective summary of the topic only facts you learned about animal testing There will be no opinion given in your introduction until your thesis statement. Your thesis statement will be where you state your opinion on the subject
Bridging from the Hook/GRABBER to the Who, What, Why of the Issue and then to the Thesis! ISSUE! GRABBER! THESIS!
GRABBER: How many times in a year should a student have to take a major multiple-choice test to see if they are understanding major grade-level information? Most students would probably not jump out of their seats and say “As many as we can! We love testing!” WHAT/WHY/WH0: (WHAT) Standardized testing has been an important component in our educational system for a long time. Used as a measure of student progress, this testing has been considered valid and useful. (BRIDGING TO THE WHY….) More and more standardized testing has made America question whether or not this truly is a fair measure of the abilities of our students. Some say this continual testing is altering methods of instruction to point where teachers may simply just “teach to the test”. Yet, there does have to be some consistent ongoing measure of student learning. This issue has snowballed into a huge debate in our society today. (BRIDGING TO THE WHO ALONG WITH THE WHAT...) This standardized testing reaches all facets of our society: students of all ages, parents, educators and policy makers are all impacted. THESIS: The use of standardized testing in America is not improving the education in America. Teachers are stifled, losing their creative teaching methods. Undue stress is placed on our children, creating emotional problems for them and students are continually showing that they are not ready for the real world because of the lack of real world opportunities in the classroom.
You have to use Transitions Between ideas You can’t jump from one sentence to the next You have to connect the boards of the bridge – no holes
How many times in a year should a student take a major multiple-choice test to check their understanding of grade-level information? Most students would probably not jump out of their seats and say “As many as we can! We love testing!” Standardized testing has been an important aspect of our educational system for a long time. Used as a measure of student progress, this testing has been considered valid and useful. However, continual standardized testing has made America question whether or not this truly is a fair measure of student abilities. Some say this testing is altering methods of instruction to point where teachers may simply just “teach to the test”. Yet, there has to be some consistent ongoing measure of student learning which has caused this issue to snowball into a huge debate today. Moreover, the breadth of this standardized testing reaches all facets of society: students of all ages, parents, educators and policy makers are all impacted. I believe the use of standardized testing in America is not improving the education in America. Teachers are stifled, losing their creative teaching methods. Likewise, undue stress is placed on our children, creating emotional problems and students are not prepared for the real world. Overall, these testing methods need to be re-evaluated if America wishes to remain a leader in education. Transitions RED Hook GREEN Supporting detail BLUE Thesis PURPLE