The 13 Colonies: New England By: Allyson Rosenberg, Celine Chung, Elizabeth Reverand, Taehoon Kim
Life in the Colonies Life in the New England colonies was very ___ because of the harsh and brutal weather conditions-the weather in the north was known to be very ___. Even though the soil in the New England colonies wasn’t the best, the people still ___. Since the farms they created were neither too poor nor too small they didn’t have African American slaves to work on their farms. The crops that grew in the area grew included __, rye, peas, squash, and pumpkins. The houses were built around fields, and towns contained ___ and other religious buildings The religion and practices were based off ___ practices. People mostly read the bible during school and church.
Life Continued WOMEN: A ___ is a tight hat, that is now worn by nuns under their cloaks. A shift is a loosely worn ___ worn under the waistcoat A waistcoat is a sleeveless coat A ___________ is a woman's loose undergarment hanging from the shoulders or the waist, worn under a skirt or dress. MEN: A ruff is a frill worn around the ___ A ___ is a short tight padded jacket Breeches are short trousers fastened just below the _____
Education In New England parents believed that their children had to learn about ___. Parents also taught their children how to read so that they could read the ___. Kids from the southern colonies were taught at home by ___.Others went to school. The schools were small and ___ . When the kids became teenagers, they would then go to ___. http://www.socialstudiesforkid oniesschool.htm
Population New England was ___ and it’s population grew to the weather conditions. The middle colonies were founded by religious groups.
Religion in New England As for the ethnicity of the New England colonies, most of the colonists who lived there first were ___, for they had lived in ___ before sailing to their new home. The main religion of New England was ___ - ___ against ___ : Separatists ___
Separatists and Puritans ___ - The Separatists were a group of people who left England in search for a place to freely practice their religion, for they did not follow that the king was the ___. Puritans - In the 1630’s, Puritans sailed for America. Unlike the Separatists, they did not move to break away from the Church of England, but to ___ it in the colonies. The Puritans did not ___ any other religion than theirs - those who were not puritan were called ___ and were punished by being fined, ___, or even whipped.
Religion in Puritan Life The Puritan ___ was centered around religion: people had to ___ enforced law that required parents to teach children how to read and for towns to build schools to please God only ___ could be part of government and ___ The Puritans believed that they needed to build successful towns in the colonies in order to create God’s “ideal” society. Their townspeople were very concentrated on working. ex: had large families to work on big fields for food
Major People Roger Williams- He founded the state known as ___. He was also known for his ___ against the ___. He wanted to ___ (He didn’t want the church and government to be combined) ex: King James ruling England AND being in charge of the church. John Winthrop- Winthrop was ___ man born in England. When he sailed to America, he found the capital of Massachusetts, ___. Thomas Hooker - Thomas Hooker was originally a ___ from Massachusetts but left because he ___ all the rules he had to follow. After he left, Hooker founded the colony of ___. John Mason - Mason was first the governor of Newfoundland but was then given land to colonize and govern. The amount of land was split with another man named Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and Mason received the part of land with ________ and founded the colony. However, before he could even visit the colony for the first time, John Mason died on the trip there.
Major Events 1620- The pilgrims founded the colony of Plymouth in present day ___ and created the Mayflower compact which was a document with basic laws and social rules 1630- A decade after Plymouth was founded, there was a mass migration of thousands of English people going to the Americas, and this was called “___” 1636- Settlers who were ___ with the Massachusetts bay colony left and stopped at the Connecticut river valley, creating a document called The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. King ___ made Connecticut an official single colony in 1662.
Major Events Cont. 1636- Roger Williams was banished from the ___ along with Anne Hutchinson and both founded different settlements. There were two more settlements, and a charter was granted by England that created a government called ___ 1679- John Mason was given land in the northern region of the new england colonies and he formed ____when he was granted a ____ charter. 1689-King William’s war against the French and ___ begins because King william joined the Augsburg league. The Augsburg league is an alliance between Scotland, Ireland and England against France. This war was later ended by the Treaty of Ryswick, but peace did not last long. 1691- Hysteria over ______ accusations consumes Salem village in Massachusetts and a trials are held