Back to School Night September 6, 2018
Classroom Guidelines Notification regarding absences and change in dismissal - Please write a written note. Homework-PLEASE CHECK AND INITIAL Tests folders go home every 2 weeks Email: Webpage: All About Me birthday celebrations on Fridays Label clothing, lunch boxes, etc.
Reading Scott Foresman Reading Street 14 spelling words each week Interactive Smart Board components Two readers supplemented with leveled readers, centers, activities and writing projects Vocabulary words in red copybook Quizzes (vocab, phonics, comprehension) Unit tests
Reading Log 25 Books to be read by the end of March (10 were required Summer Reading) 3 books to be recorded each month, beginning in October Two book reports will be required each month
Language Arts/Writing Curriculum Report Writing Journaling Poetry Descriptive writing Friendly Letter Focus on parts of speech, punctuation, writing complete sentences that engage readers. Spelling is now part of Language Arts grade Creative writing
Math Sadlier Series that incorporates Smart Board technology Simple Solutions Daily Math Maintenance Proficient in basic facts to 18 – weekly fact quizzes Multiplication Flash cards Solving word problems Quizzes and tests
Second Grade is a Special Year of Growing in Faith Mass every Friday at 8:45 AM Living Rosary Sacrament of First Reconciliation Stations of the Cross First Holy Communion Retreat First Holy Communion May Procession-all school children participate
FUN ACTIVITIES Activities with our Sixth Grade Buddies Holiday and motivational parties Seasonal and curriculum-related projects Unit on Dinosaurs Dr. Seuss Day End of the year field trip to Crystal Cave Science Lab activities