How TO Register for Oakmont Youth Football and Cheer Step-by-Step Instructions, 2018 Season For additional questions or issues – please contact
Getting Started… Access, and click the registration link: You will be required to Create an Account with Sports Illustrated Play: Enter your (Parent/Guardian) log in Credentials, then click on “Create User”:
You now have the option to add another Parent/Guardian to the 4. Enter required Parent/Guardian Information, then click on “Create Account”: You now have the option to add another Parent/Guardian to the Account or you may skip this step: Click on the button to Register your child, and click on “Register Now”: Add your child’s information: (Notes: Name and Birth Date entered must match the name and Birth Date on the birth certificate)
7… continued… You may enter Child’s email and/or phone number, but it is not required. Enter any Medical Issues your child may have. When complete, click “SAVE”: Choose the appropriate session for your child, i.e. Football or Cheer, and Division, then click “Register As a Player”: You may now Download or Upload the required documents, or you can skip this step and continue with the registration process:
You may enter additional information about your child in the space provided, or request to learn more about college recruiting. Once complete, click “Continue”: Enter an additional emergency contact to the account, then click “Save & Continue”: You now have the choice to either “Register Additional Players/Volunteers” or “Continue to Checkout”:
12…continued…if you plan to be a Volunteer, you will need to select “Register Additional Players/Volunteers”, otherwise select “Continue to Checkout” and proceed to STEP 14 below. Click the appropriate button to register as a Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, Play Counter, or Board Member, and then click “Register”: Verify that all the information on in your Shopping Card is correct. If not, you can “Edit Cart”. You can also “Register Additional Players/Volunteers”. If you are done, click “Continue to Checkout”:
Be sure to review the Refund Policy. At this point you make pay with Credit Card or Check by selecting one of the options: If paying by Credit Card, complete the following required information and then click “Complete Payment (you may store your card for future use: 17. If paying by Check, your online order is complete. Please mail a check to the information listed on the screen. BE SURE to write your Reference Code on the Memo line of your check: