Data Coordinator Meeting September 2018
Agenda Data Security ESSA Data Verification 2017-18 Staff Evaluation Reporting Upcoming Training and Workshops Level 0 Load Schedule SIRS Reporting Requirements Updates Test Scoring and Computer Based Testing Reporting Reminders Important Dates Tasks
Data Security
Data Security Best Practices Don’t send emails containing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Review staff duties and roles annually Implement a District Data Team Take a Data Inventory Adjust permissions when job duties change Deactivate former employee accounts Do not create generic accounts in systems Review audit logs and reports
Data Security Best Practices Familiarize yourself with: FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) NYS Education Law 2-D COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) EduTech Data Security Page:
Account Maintenance – Level 0
Account Maintenance – Level 1
Account Maintenance – Level 1
Account Maintenance for NYSED Applications A report is available in SEDDAS to Superintendent or Delegated Account Administrator
ESSA Data Verification
Chronic Absenteeism Measures % of students who are absent 10% or more of instructional days where students must be enrolled 10 or more instructional days and in attendance for at least one of those days Measured for all Schools Elementary/Middle Level: Grades 1-8 Secondary Level : Grades 9-12 Homebound and Suspended students are not considered absent Includes both Excused and Unexcused absences
Chronic Absenteeism SIRS Templates: Attendance Codes Day Calendar Verify only codes you want counted as an absence are mapped to NYS codes Excused and Unexcused Day Calendar Verify that days are coded properly for instructional and non-instructional days Student Daily Attendance
Chronic Absenteeism Verification Level 1 Reports Verification Reports>Daily (Negative) Attendance Student List Level 2 Reports SIRS 370: Day Calendar Summary SIRS 360: Attendance Absence Daily Summary SIRS 361: Year to Date Attendance Absenteeism SIRS 107: Chronic Absenteeism Accountability Report
English Language Proficiency Measures progress of English Language Learners in meeting their Individual Goals on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) Uses a student’s NYSESLAT result from their initial year of ELL identification, current year’s NYSESLAT result, and number of Years identified as ELL
English Language Proficiency SIRS Templates Student Lite Duration of ELL Number consecutive years student is enrolled in a program Program Fact 0231-ELL Eligibility Assessment Fact: NYSESLAT L2RPT: SIRS 401: Reasonableness Report SIRS 301: Tested/Not Tested
Graduation Rate Measures 4, 5 & 6 year Graduation-rate total cohort graduate rate against long term goals and Measures of Interim Progress Measured for High schools Accountability subgroups Measures year preceding the reporting year as of August 31 End Goal by 2021-2022: Close gap by 20% 4 year 95% 5 year 96% 6 year 97%
Graduation Rate SIRS Templates: L2RPT Student Lite School Entry Exit Diploma Type Grade 9 entry date School Entry Exit Enrollment Exit Date Enrollment Exit Reason L2RPT SIRS 201: Total Cohort Summary SIRS 105: High School Achievement & Graduation Rate Accountability Report
College, Career, and Civic Readiness Measures % of students who are leaving school prepared for college, career and civic readiness as measured by diplomas, credentials, advanced course credits and enrollment, career and technical education certifications, and other similar indicators Measured for High Schools Measures students in the graduation –rate total cohort for the reporting year Plus students not in the cohort, but who in the reporting year are ELL and earned a regents diploma with Seal of Biilteracy: Plus students who earned their GED in the current school year and whose last enrollment was in your accountable high school in current year or one or more previous school years
College, Career, and Civic Readiness SIRS Templates Student Lite Course AP/IB courses mapped to NYS AP/IB course codes Course Instructor Assignment Student Class Entry Exit Dual Credit Indicator for classes that students can receive both college and high school credit Student Class Grade Detail High School credits earned in AP, IB , and college credits earned in dual enrollment courses
College, Career, and Civic Readiness SIRS Templates (cont) Assessment Fact AP, IB, and CTE assessments Program Fact Regents Diploma or Local Diploma with Career Development and Occupational Studies Endorsement requires Program Service 8271- CDOS Credential Eligible Coursework
College, Career, and Civic Readiness L2RPT SIRS 321: Student Class Grade SIRS 330: Student Class and Course Instructor Summary Report SIRS 201: Total Cohort Summary SIRS 302: Tested/Not Tested SIRS 307: Annual Dropout & Noncompleter Report SIRS 108: College, Career, and Civic Readiness Accountability Report
Student Growth Elementary and Middle Schools Measures student growth on Statewide Assessments in ELA and math grades 4-8 by comparing student scores in current year to the scores of similar students in prior years Uses only continuously enrolled students in grades 4-8 who took the test in the previous school year Students who took only Regents math or NYSAA assessments are not included
Student Growth -Verification Level 1 Tested/Not Tested Reports L2RPT SIRS 302: Tested/Not Tested report Look for missing assessments Verify refusals and absences SIRS 106: Elementary/Middle-Level Achievement Accountability Report
Academic Progress All Schools Measures student progress on state assessments in ELA and math against long term goals and Measures of Interim Progress L2RPT SIRS 302: Tested/Not Tested report Look for missing assessments Verify refusals and absences SIRS 106: Elementary/Middle-Level Achievement Accountability Report SIRS 105: High School Achievement & Graduation Rate Accountability
Academic Achievement Composite Performance All Schools Measures Achievement on state assessments ELA, math and science at the elementary/middle level ELA, math, science and social studies at the high school level L2RPT SIRS 302: Tested/Not Tested report Look for missing assessments Verify refusals and absences SIRS 106: Elementary/Middle-Level Achievement Accountability Report SIRS 105: High School Achievement & Graduation Rate Accountability SIRS 202: Total Cohort Assessment Summary
2017-18 Staff Evaluation Reporting
New to 2017-18 Subcomponent ratings are no longer submitted Only scores should be submitted for all original and transition subcomponents There are no placeholders for the optional subcomponents If an optional subcomponent is not used, nothing is submitted Category ratings are no longer submitted Only the following elements should be submitted: Original Required Student Performance subcomponent score Original Optional Student Performance subcomponent score (as applicable) Original Required Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent score Original Optional Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent score (as applicable) Original Overall Rating Transition Required Student Performance subcomponent score (as applicable) Transition Optional Student Performance subcomponent score (as applicable) Transition Required Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent score (as applicable) Transition Optional Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent score (as applicable) Transition Overall Rating (as applicable) Note: Educators will still receive a full evaluation, including all subcomponent scores and ratings, category ratings and an Overall rating.
TEACHER OBSERVATION/PRINCIPAL SCHOOL VISIT Information to Know for Each LEA Overall Rating (original and transition) The Overall rating is determined using the evaluation matrix and is based on the Student Performance Category rating and the Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit category rating. Is the Optional Student Performance subcomponent used with a supplemental assessment? If so, the exception noted in two bottom left cells of the matrix applies: *If an educator is rated Ineffective on the Student Performance category, and a supplemental assessment was included as an optional subcomponent of the Student Performance category, the educator can be rated no higher than Ineffective overall (see §3012-d (5)(a) and (7)). TEACHER OBSERVATION/PRINCIPAL SCHOOL VISIT STUDENT PERFORMANCE
Original Scores and Ratings Potentially 5 Original Scores and Ratings to be Submitted for all Educators Student Performance Evaluation Criteria Code Evaluation Rating Point 1.* Required Student Performance subcomponent REQSP 0-20 score 2. Optional Student Performance subcomponent OPTSP 0-20 score (as applicable) Teacher Observation/Principal School Visits Evaluation Criteria Code Evaluation Rating Points 3.* Required Teacher Observation/ Principal School Visit subcomponent REQOB 0** or 1-4 score 4. Optional Teacher Observation/ Principal School Visit subcomponent OPTOB 1-4 score (as applicable) Overall 5.* rating only (OCR01, OCR02, OCR03,OCR04) Leave blank *1, 3, and 5 are required for an original record to be considered complete. **A zero is only assigned where all components across all observations are rated as a one.
Transition Scores and Ratings Potentially 5 Transition Scores and Ratings to be Submitted for Applicable Educators Student Performance Evaluation Criteria Code Evaluation Rating Points 1.* Transition Required Student Performance subcomponent TREQSP 0-20 score (as applicable) (will not be submitted if the original required subcomponent is based on 3-8 ELA/math or SPG AND optional is based on a supplemental assessment) 2.* Transition Optional Student Performance subcomponent OPTQSP Teacher Observation/Principal School Visits Evaluation Criteria Code Evaluation Rating Points 3.* Transition Required Teacher Observation/ Principal School Visit subcomponent TREQOB 0** or 1-4 score (as applicable) 4. Transition Optional Teacher Observation/ Principal School Visit subcomponent OPTOB 1-4 score (as applicable) Overall Evaluation Criteria Code Evaluation Rating Points 5.* Rating only (TOCR01, TOCR02, TOCR03, TRCO04) Leave blank *1 OR 2, 3, and 5 are required for a transition record to be considered complete. **A zero is only assigned where all components across all observations are rated as a one.
Upcoming Training & Workshops
Upcoming Training October: January: February: November: New User Series:Session II Staff Verification January: Reg/NYSITELL Scanning New User Series-Session III UIAS Training February: CTE Reporting 3-8 Operational CBT Data Coordinator Meeting November: CRDC Training Walk-In Session-BEDS Reporting
Where To Look For Training
Level 0 Load Schedule
Level 0 Load Schedule Current Staff Snapshot, Demographics, Enrollment, Program Services, Day Calendar Sept 24-October 8 Student Attendance Codes and Location Marking Period October 1st Begins Staff Assignment Student Daily Attendance October 15th Begins Course October 29th Begins Course Instructor Assignment Spec Ed BEDS Day Snapshot
SIRS Reporting Requirements Updates
Staff Data Staff Snapshot Staff Tenure Race/Ethnicity Required in 2018-19 – Data won’t be able to move without this field filled in. Guidance Counselor ID If reported in Demographics the Guidance Counselor must be included in Staff Snapshot Staff Tenure Will be reported in a new template called Staff Tenure Snapshot School Year will now be a key field
Staff ePMF Process Process is similar to last year and assignments will be updated in TAA by teachers TAA is expected to be available around BEDS Day for assignments to be added Teaching Assignments for 18-19 are available: 82019.pdf Required Race/Ethnicity is populated from Staff Snapshot template Deadline for staff to update assignments is Friday, December 14th
Staff ePMF Accounts in TAA Staff Snapshot is Required in Level 2 for process to begin The same email (token) process will be used for 2018-19 that was used in 2017-18. No action will be required for teachers with current active accounts, unless a teacher cannot recall their password For teachers & faculty that require a new account or an account reset, they will provide the last four digits of their SSN, DOB & TEACH ID. An email will be sent to their Staff Snapshot email address. The teacher clicks the link (token) in the email and finished the account creation process
Course Instructor Assignment (CIA) Two new fields to identify Bilingual Courses: Primary Instruction Language Code (e.g. ENGLISH, SPANISH, CHINESE) NYS Required Field. Codes to be made available with Add/Delete code change document. Alternative Instruction Language Code (Can be used for Local or Regional Reporting)
Homeless Students The Homeless Indicator Y/N in Demographics is no longer being collected at Level 2, but can still be used for regional reporting. A new Program Service Code for homeless student status has been created that includes Primary Nighttime Residence. A new Program Service Code is being added to capture students served under the Title I Homeless Student Set Aside. Report students experiencing homelessness with program service code 8262: Homeless Student Status. Primary Nighttime Residence Entry Date: Date student was identified as homeless Exit Date: Date the student is no longer homeless. Report students served under Title I Students In Temporary Housing set aside funds with program service code 0892: Title I – Part A: Homeless Student Serviced with Set-Aside Funds. Entry Date: Date service began Exit Date: Not used
CTE Assessments Specific CTE assessments have been removed from SIRS and reporting will now include the following scenarios: To qualify for the Technical Endorsement and/or the CTE Pathway, a student must successfully complete his or her career and technical education program and pass the three-part technical skill assessment that was approved under the 2001 Regents approval process. Approved CTE Program Technical Assessment – Measure Code - 00199 Students who pass a technical skills assessment that is not associated with a program approved under the 2001 Regents approval process CTE Technical Assessment – Measure Code - 00C41 Students who take a nationally certified CTE exam (definition TBD) not associated with a program approved under the 2001 Regents approval process Nationally Certified CTE Exam – Measure Code - 00C40
Testing Scoring and Computer Based Testing
3-8 ELA and Math CBT 3-8 ELA and Math Computer Based Testing (CBT) Tech Readiness Survey - Should be available in early October Due date to submit in Nextera System will be December 28th Check List is currently available on CBT Support 2018 Regional Fall Information Sessions Schedule and Registration Agenda Statewide CBT Simulation in February and March More details on CBT Support Superintendents, District Test Coordinators and Principals are populated in Nextera Contacts populated from SEDREF and activation emails have been sent More information
NYSAA Computer Based Testing Recommended - User information in Educator Portal are accurate by October 22nd District Test Coordinators are available on SEDREF Level 0 lock deadline for initial load of students is Wednesday, October 24th
Reporting Reminders
Ongoing Tasks Review on a regular basis L1C/L2 Error Report NYSSIS Located in Level 1-Cognos Shows errors that prevent data from loading into Level 2 NYSSIS Located in the NYSED Business Portal District will receive an email when a near match needs to be addressed UIAS Report Located in L2RPT Shows data that might not be meeting NYS Reporting rules
Source System Data Where does your data come from? Student Data FRPL Special Ed Data Staff Data Please verify the systems we have on file are correct To prevent lapses in data reporting, notify of changes
Data Checklist High School Completers and End of Year Enrollment August Graduates Diploma type, Post Grad Plan, Career Pathway, Ending Enrollment Review and lock August Regents data in Level 0 Summer School Report summer school records while the information is new Program Services Review Category Breakdown Report in Level 0 and compare last year’s counts to this year’s and address any issues Special Ed BEDS Day Snapshot (VR 1-9) Begin communication with CSE staff on reporting, locking and verification
Data Checklist Staff Special Ed Work with HR staff to verify accuracy of Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment Work with new teaching staff to create and update ePMF accounts ESSA Review new requirements and work with staff to update processes exist for ensuring accuracy if necessary Special Ed Accuracy of special education enrollments for 4034, 5905 (classified homeschoolers, non-publics, CSE only students) Ungraded school age students with particular attention to ungraded secondary (UGS) who are alternate grade 12 that could graduate and UGS who returned for services Status of PS students who still have a 4034 enrollment type
BEDS Institutional Master File (IMF) Application scheduled to be open on October 3rd Submission Deadline is November 16th Documentation is available on NYSED BEDS IMF Page
Important Dates
Important Dates October 12th , 2018 Deadline to lock August Graduates, Regents in Level 0 Public School Districts State Operated Schools October 24th , 2018 Deadline to lock NYSAA data for the initial load into Kite November 14th, 2018 Deadline to lock 2017-18 Staff Evaluation Data in Level 0 Public School Districts, BOCES November 30th, 2018 Certification of 2017-18 Staff Evaluation Data Due
Important Dates January 2nd, 2018 Deadline to lock Level 0 for Special Ed BEDS Day Snapshot (VR 1-9) Public School Districts, Nonpublic Schools, State Operated Schools January 7th, 2018 Certification for Special Ed BEDS Day Snapshot (VR 1-9) Deadline to lock Level 0 for BEDS Day Enrollment including UPK, FRPL Public School Districts January 30th, 2018 Deadline to lock Level 0 for Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment Public School Districts, BOCES, State Operated Schools Deadline to lock Level 0 for Course Instructor Assignment and Student Class Entry Exit Public School Districts, BOCES
Task Summary Ensure that NYSSIS Near Matches are fixed and regularly review L1C Error Reports Make sure data is reporting from the correct source systems – notify EduTech of changes Review all users who may have changed roles and update account access Make Sure SEDREF Contacts are updated District Test Coordinator (3-8 and NYSAA) Information Officer (Data Coordinator) Gather and report Staff Evaluation Data (Transition Scores, 3012-D) Begin ePMF reporting as soon as possible Report all August Graduates and verify and lock Regents Data when available
NYSED Resources 2018-19 SIRS Reporting Timeline 2018-19 SIRS Reporting Memo ePMF and Staff Collection Timeline elinefor2018-19.pdf 3-8 ELA, Math and NYSAA Computer Based Testing
SIRS Data Warehouse Support Team Tammy Reilley Luke Newhart Chris Voit Rich Yeoman EduTech Support Contact Information E-mail – Phone – 1-800-722-5797 option 7
EduTech Data Warehouse Resources Data Warehouse Web Page EduTech Data Warehouse Training Opportunities EduTech Data Security Information Data Coordinator Meeting Resources
Break Discussion/Questions