For more information visit: EVE’s Healthy Bite APRIL AWARENESS GET ACTIVE The Department of Health guidelines for adults recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate activity on five days a week or 150 minutes a week 3 things physical exercise can do: 1. Reduce the effects of stress 2. Increase self esteem 3. Promote more positive mood 4 simple examples of what you can do! So why not? 1. Get off the bus a stop early 2. Take the stairs instead of the lift 3. Go for a walk instead of a coffee 4. Dance to your favourite music For more information visit:
For more information visit: EVE’s Healthy Bite APRIL AWARENESS GET ACTIVE So what is moderate activity? Any activity that makes you breathe more and increases your heart rate but you can still have a chat You may feel hot and sweat a bit 4 things moderate activity can do for me? Improve heart health and fitness levels Reduce weight gain, improve weight loss (with healthy eating) Reduce risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes 2, and certain cancers Improve brain function Remember Choose an activity you like to do Start slowly Set realistic goals Have fun For more information visit:
For more information visit: EVE’s Healthy Bite APRIL AWARENESS GET ACTIVE Did you know that exercise can be more fun with others and exercising together can help maintain healthy habits 4 benefits of exercising together Make new friends Helps you stay motivated & committed You learn new exercise skills & methods Makes exercise more fun 4 things I can do? Exercise with family and friends Organise to exercise rather than a coffee Join local exercises clubs/groups Support others exercise, ask to join in For more information visit:
For more information visit: EVE’s Healthy Bite APRIL AWARENESS GET ACTIVE Including exercise in your daily routine, increases the likelihood of maintaining it Build up to 30 minutes per day with different activities Why not? 1. Clean the house and use the stairs as often as possible 2. Walk to the bus or train. 3. Go for a walk, run or cycle before work, or during your lunch break 4. Meet friends for a walk, run or cycle 5. Park further away and walk the rest 6. Take the stairs 7. Work in the garden 8. Walk or play with pets For more information visit: