REQUIREMENTS FROM DONORS Demonstration capability Technology development Innovative Product oriented Support Danish Water Technology Export Supports environmental improvements Increased resource efficiency Co-operation between businesses, end users and research institutions Focus on future challenges
CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS Quality compliance Consumer of Today Sustainable resource Reliable supply Quality adaption Consumer of Tomorrow Socio-economics Price
WORK PACKAGES: WP1: Intelligent on-line well field management system WP2: Intelligent real-time analysis of water quality WP3: Intelligent pipe rehabilitation planning tool WP4: Automated Smart-Grid Power Consumption Tool WP5: Pilot pellet reactor (Calcium removal) WP6: Reduction of Contamination Risks from Atmospheric Air WP7: Water Treatment in an Acoustic Perspective WP8: ? (Open) Partners: VCS Denmark– HOFOR - Århus Water - Ringkøbing-Skjern Utility Krüger – Alectia – Grontmij – Orbicon – Silhorko – DTU Miljø VCS RSF
DEMONSTRATION FACILITIES Aarhus Water HOFOR VCS Denmark Ringkøbing-Skjern Utility Total budget : 3 million EUR
WP1: INTELLIGENT ONLINE WELL FIELD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Software package Export potential Documented savings Reduced CO2 emission Controlled water quality Automated Operation of WF Synergy with other WP Orbicon is leading partner Aquifer WTP Clay
WP2: INTELLIGENT REAL-TIME ANALYSIS OF WATER QUALITY Cloud based software Adaptable to surface water Export potential Automated operation of WTP Early-warning Multi parameter analysis Input to SCADA Reduced energy consumption Synergy to other WP DDS documentation (Documented Drinking water Safety) Krüger is leading partner Visualisation: Intuitive understanding Trends Multiparameter Statistical distribution
WP2: Intelligent real-time analysis of water quality Sensors – ground water Reservoir level Raw water flow Treated water flow Discharge pressure BW flow Temperature, treated water Filter water level Turbidity, treated water Oxygen, treated water Oxygen, raw water Oxygen, filter specific Conductivity, filtered water pH treated water Turbidity, filter specific UV intensity Filter specific flow Ammonium, filter specific Ammonium treated water Filter specific particle counter NVOC treated water/UVT Present Danish state-of-the-art Priority To be included in WP2 Filter WL RW flow Turbidity Trend Alarm Back wash
WP3: INTELLIGENT PIPE REHABILITATION PLANNING TOOL GIS based software 70% of the assets in a water utility is buried underground Improved selection criteria's means reduced investment costs Suited for export Project generation on street level A holistic technical/economic cost/benefit tool Encompasses socio-economics Transparent selection criteria Can be used on all time horizons 1 & 5 & 20 years Alectia is leading partner
Dynamic reservoir control: Uses reservoirs as huge batteries for storage of energy Reduced costs by using more green power in off-peak periods On-line connection to SCADA system Model based WP4: AUTOMATED SMART-GRID POWER CONSUMPTION TOOL
Pv 1) 6) 5) 4) 3) 2) The model uses 6 construction elements: And 7 Input/output functions: T [Hrs] P [Kr/kW] CO2 [Kg/kW] T [Hrs] Q [m3/h] E [kW] T [Hrs] H [mVS] Q[m3/h] H [mVS] T [Hrs] Q [m3/h] T [Hrs] E [kW]
Output from hydrogeo- chemical model based on specific condition of aquifer Calculation of mobilisation of selected kations (Ca, Ni) Grontmij is leading partner (Hydrogeochemical model made by Aktor Inovation) Unconfined aquifer Confined aquifer WP4: AUTOMATED SMART-GRID POWER CONSUMPTION TOOL
WP5: PILOT PELLET REACTOR (CALCIUM REMOVAL) Product: Manual for design of softening devices Pilot system for testing on specific water qualities Uncovering extent of cation removal (Ni, As, F a.o.) Uncovering relation between pellet shape and water quality Softening perspectives: 50% reduction of soap consumption Reduced energy consumption ~2 x Increased life expectancy for household plumbing Reduced metal contamination of drinking water Increased esthetic value Possible dental adverse effects Pilot reactor to be used on: Brøndby vest WTP (HOFOR) Søndersø WTP (HOFOR) Dalum WTP (VCS) Lindved WTP (VCS) HOFOR is the leading partner
WP6: REDUCTION OF CONTAMINATION RISKS FROM ATMOSPHERIC AIR Product: Methodology and possible products for treatment of process air in contact with drinking water Transfer rate of smell/taste from polluted air to water Laboratory tests of particle & AC filters Identification of realistic pollutants Test on prototype air filters Implementation on Truelsbjerg WTP Aarhus Water is lead on the work package
WP7: WATER TREATMENT IN AN ACOUSTIC PERSPECTIVE Product: Monitoring concept Automated & unmanned operation 3D analysis of acoustic fingerprint Active and passive acoustic systems Vibration monitoring & analysis Filters aerators and machines Headed by RS Utility