Lesson 3: Economic Growth Unit 3: Macroeconomics Lesson 3: Economic Growth
Measuring Economic Growth real GDP per capita: real GDP divided by the total population
Question #1: Why is real GDP per capita considered the best measure of standard of living? Explain. A Comparison: real GDP in 2007 United States $13.8 trillion Canada $1.3 trillion A Comparison: real GDP per capita in 2007 United States $13.8 trillion 303 million $45,845 Canada $1.3 trillion 33 million $39,195
GDP per capita
Question #2: What is a fundamental flaw of using real GDP per capita to measure standard of living? Explain.
Measuring Economic Growth GDP and Population Growth ● economic growth = percent change of real GDP over a given period of time ● a nation’s population grows over time ● So, real GDP must outpace population growth to improve standard of living!