Conflicts of Interest BUSINESS ETHICS course
Conflict of Interest AHI Carrier directors, officers and employees must : act in the best interests of the Company; and avoid conduct and relationships where obligations to the Company might be compromised.
What is a Conflict of Interest? “A conflict of interest (COI) is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organization.”
Examples of COI Situations & conduct that may compromise independence, impair judgment or exploit position within the Company. Family and romantic relationships within a supervisory chain (directly/indirectly) prohibited unless approved by the CEO or designee
Examples of COI Financial interests, directly or indirectly (including stock ownership) in any of AHI’s suppliers, customers or competitors Employment of relatives or friends by suppliers, customers or competitors Service to another organization as a director, officer, employee or consultant
Examples of COI Any gift given or received except as permitted by the Business Gifts policy Receipt of improper personal benefits as a result of a position such as loans, loan guarantees, use of company assets for personal gain etc.
COI - Not Always Obvious Helpful Questions : Am I involved in any processes by which my position or the position of someone with whom I have a close relationship might be affected? Am I involved in any external companies whose interests might conflict with AHI’s? Do I or someone with whom I have a close relationship stand to gain or lose financially by the actions of AHI that I can or might be able to influence? Apart from my salary, do I stand to gain financially from my position at AHI?
Annual Survey All employees must complete the annual survey on a yearly basis Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed Contact your BPO if in doubt
Thank you!