Important elements to consider Martin Luther King Jr Important elements to consider
Historical context Jim Crow laws Civil Rights Movement Montgomery bus boycott American History – American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, Reconstruction Martin Luther King Jr’s achievements
Considering perspectives Southern white perspectives (both for and against MLK – primarily against) Northern white perspectives (both for and against MLK – primarily for) Oppressed and compliant black population Militant and defiant black population
Tone Changes depending on audience and time and context of the essay. Changes within the essay – usually to reflect a negative/despairing tone in association with the past and a positive/hopeful tone for the future. A variety of techniques are utilised to create tone – you should be able to connect these techniques to the tone and purpose of the essay.
Structure Varies – first and third person – often within the same essay. Paragraph structure – shorter paragraphs illustrate desire for quick movement; often places an important line at the end of each paragraph (filled with literary technique) to leave the thought with the reader. Use of headings and subheadings to emphasise certain points.
Rhetoric The art of communicating effectively and persuasively. Involves the use of the following audience appeals: Logos – appeal based on reason Pathos – appeal based on emotion Ethos – appeal based on the character of the speaker
Syntax/punctuation Varies the length and structure of sentences to create emphasis – also contributes to tone. Use of quotation marks to emphasise words that he questions (e.g. “respectable” white citizens’ councils). Use of capitalisation and italics to emphasise words.
Emphasis Anaphora – creates a list; emphasises duration of the struggle for civil rights; illustrates journey of those involved in the movement. Repetition – emphasises ideas; helps to convey the oppression of the black population. Uses cumulative emphasis – using a certain group of words in a short space to create effect.
Imagery and figurative language Use of metaphors and similes to convey the bleak situation the black community were facing/the strength of the black community. Strong use of adjectival language to persuade the audience to view groups of people in a certain way. Symbolism – a range of symbols are used, particularly Christian symbols such as the cross. Binary opposition – good and evil; black and white; violent and nonviolent
Allusion Biblical allusion – MLK uses Christian ideals and morals to influence his audience; draws parallels between his (the nonviolent) journey and the journey of Jesus. Historical allusion – uses this to appeal to the patriotism of Americans and remind them of the concepts/ideas that are important to Americans.
Diction Uses relatively formal language that reveals his education – dispelling ideas that black Americans are less intelligent/unable to organise against the imposition of inequality. Diction generally used to construct black community as non-threatening but determined. Uses inclusive language (we, our, us) to encourage the reader to accept his point of view.
Use of evidence to influence the reader Uses references to other activists/politicians to support his ideas (Plato, Hugo etc). Uses quotes from those who oppose him to illustrate their bias. Uses factual information (e.g. historical accounts) to support his ideas. Uses anecdotal evidence (stories) to create a closer connection between the reader and MLK.
Use of emotive appeals Uses a range of techniques to appeal to the following emotions: Democracy Charity Freedom Group loyalty Patriotism Morality Sense of justice etc
Looking at the essays Check where it was published (at the end of each essay) – research the publication to understand the audience – this will help you to make a connection to MLK’s purpose. Check the date it was published – research what was happening at the time (particularly what MLK was involved in). Don’t miss the title – this is important! Ensure you identify connections between the essays so you can contextualise during the IOP.