Rate Capping and the Role of IT
Local Government Landscape Key Issues of 2010 Structural reform and implementing sustainable business models Council collaboration Productivity and efficiency “best practice”, more services less money Economic development – attracting business, innovation, creating population sustainability Diversity of services to the community - State Federal divestings Enhanced community communication Environmental sustainability
The Municipal Landscape Councils Council IT Teams Tighter future Public Sector funding Pressure on Councils to retain their identity and independence Large unfunded infrastructure gaps Increasing number of Councils with an average underlying operating deficit Managers struggling to find sufficient appropriate resources to deliver required services Continuing to shave costs Continuing to build individual vendor driven systems Purchasing for price not strategic advantage Collaboration ad hoc Struggling to acquire, skill and maintain skilled workers The LIKELY OUTCOME?
Leveraging Technology Maximise IT Resources Identify core business Price or strategic advantage? Transition from IT Doer to IT Strategy, Performance Manager Understand the value of technology solutions in a business context Private Common Local Govt Infrastructure Backup, Disaster Recovery and business continuity Provide a platform for shared services Common collaboration point Software and hardware efficiencies Collaboration Collective procurement Skills specialisation and redundancy Leverage other mechanisms Targeted, prioritised application development and/or procurement Skills specialisation and structural flexibility Develop solutions in collectives and seize opportunities Drive your own agenda har
Technology Role Embrace a Change A Common Platform is Key Targeted, prioritised application development and/or procurement Skills specialisation and structural flexibility Develop solutions in collectives and seize opportunities Drive your own agenda
What are Key Characteristics of a Platform Competitive at Every Layer Contestable and Self Regulating Opt IN basis Platform says “YES”…Any TO Any End to End Service Assurance User Pays RISK MITIGATION
Governance Challenges Consensus and Commitment Legal and Commercial framework Development of Service Catalogue Priorities
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