Native Sports Team Names
Of all the professional sports teams currently using Native-inspired names and logos, by far the most controversial has been the Washington Redskins Why?
Native American individuals, tribes and organizations have been questioning the use of the name and image for decades The largest of these organizations, the National Congress of American Indians, with a total membership of 1.2 million individuals There is also a growing number of public officials, sports commentators and other journalists advocating a change
Support for continued use of the name has come from the team's owners and a majority of fans, which include some Native Americans Supporters say that the name honors the achievements and virtues of Native Americans, and that it is not intended in a negative manner Team owner Daniel Snyder famously told USA Today: "We'll never change the name. ... It's that simple. NEVER—you can use caps."
On June 18, 2014, the United States Patent and Trademark Office voted to cancel the Redskins federal trademark registrations, considering them "disparaging to Native Americans“ In July, 2015 the decision was upheld in U.S. District Court Despite these legal setbacks, Daniel Snyder continues to defend the Redskins name and refuses to consider a change This has continued protests, boycotts, and mocking of both the Redskins and Snyder personally