Welcome to Ms. Nay’s Biology Class! Catalyst (5 minutes): On your sticky note, please write your name, period and at least one complete sentence describing the overall message of this quote: If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.
The Takeaway… We are scientists. We must FIGURE IT OUT! Science is a field that is always changing. We are always looking for better ways to improve the world around us. We are a TEAM! Working together is the only way we will be successful. Care about each other. Bring your best EVERY DAY
Entry Procedure Enter Silently Pick up necessary materials from side table Find Seat Get out homework and place on desk in front of you Silently begin Catalyst on Catalyst sheet **Students must be seated and working by 2 minutes after bell rings.
Welcome to Ms. Nay’s Biology Class! Materials: 1 piece of construction paper, 1 marker Catalyst (5 min): Fold your piece of construction paper in 3 to make a name tent. Write your FIRST AND LAST NAME on one side of this tent.
Objectives SWBAT explain the class motto and class vision and how it relates to their actions. SWBAT recite one of our BIG GOALS and explain why it is important. SWBAT understand and model the Elite Eight Traits and explain how they make us College and Career Ready.
Class Motto If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.
Our Vision We are scientists. We apply science ideas to today’s world, we act like professionals, we advocate for ourselves and our futures. In this year, we will become College and Career ready. We will make our school and Forest Park into better places. We will learn from scientists around the world, past and present. Finally, we will demonstrate the most academic growth of any Biology class in all of Clayton County.
When we accomplish our vision, we will all be like….
How will we get there? Exemplifying the ELITE EIGHT traits
1. Respect the Threshold All students enter class silently before the tardy bell. Students maintain silence for the entire ‘First Five’/Catalyst
2. Be Prepared All students are at their desk with their notebooks and pencils/pens by the start of class and working on the Catalyst.
3. No Opt-Out During the entire class, students participate when called on and I hear every voice at least once during class. ALL students are on-task throughout the period.
4. Sense of Urgency During class, all instructions are followed within the given time limit.
5. Team and Family During class, students are seen constructively helping (not enabling) others when they finish their own work; students give respectful words of encouragement and support; students are seen doing ‘random acts of kindness’
6. Professionalism During class, students speak in appropriate tones, work well with groups/classmates, and don’t complain or argue.
7. Swift to Listen, Slow to Speak Zero instances of calling out answers or interrupting others during class. Students don’t put down another student’s answer, but rather, acknowledge their opinion respectfully.
8. Leave It Better Students are engaged in the ‘Close-Out’ and spend the last 2-4 minutes of class throwing away trash, pushing in chairs, and getting the room prepared for the next class.
Class Competition Each class will earn points based on how well they exemplify the Elite Eight Traits. At the end of each Unit, the winning class will receive a special prize! **You can earn more than 8 points each class!
Why? These traits will put us on the path to becoming COLLEGE AND CAREER READY. Take a look at these statistics…
Unemployment Statistics National unemployment rate is 9.1% Unemployment rate of Blacks 16.0% Unemployment rate of Hispanics 11.3% Unemployment rate of Whites 8.0% Unemployment rates of high school GRADUATES not enrolled in school – 33.4% High School Dropouts – 42.7% COLLEGE GRADUATES- 4.2 %
The Stakes For Us are Higher Big Goal #1 = EVERYONE will achieve 80% mastery on unit tests and quizzes that measure the objectives we cover in this class. C is average. If we do average we will end up just like the statistics say we will.
Getting to Know Ms. Nay
Action Items All students must have a 1 ½ inch binder and 1 package of loose leaf paper by FRIDAY Tomorrow: we will go over procedures and routines, and I will give you the syllabus/parent letter for this class.
Student Survey A student helper will give you a survey Please be open and honest with your answers
Exit Procedure Final 5 Complete Panther Pass/Classwork Clean Area and put notes in binder Return Materials to Proper Location Silently wait for Ms. Nay to dismiss you WE WILL DISMISS WHEN EVERYONE IS QUIET! Turn in Work while exiting to tray at Student Station
Working In Groups
Who is a scientist?
Presentation Norms
29% of Americans graduate from college (bachelor’s) Bachelor degree holders earn on average double the annual salary of someone with high school diploma High school grads earn lifetime average of $1.2 million Associate degree holders earn lifetime average of $1.6 million Bachelor’s degree holders earn lifetime average of $2.1 million High School dropouts more than 3 times as likely to be unemployed as college grads: unemployment rate for high school dropouts is 8.5%; for high school grads it’s 5%; for college grads it’s 2.7% High school drop outs are three times as likely to smoke cigarettes as college graduates (and therefore have lower life expectancy) College grads less likely to be in jail: Percentage of people in jail with at least some college experience is only 25% the rate of those with only a high school diploma Those with some college live an average of 4 years longer than those with no college