LT #1: Understand the development/creation of a Jewish nation- Israel MT 5: The Cold war LT #1: Understand the development/creation of a Jewish nation- Israel
Mandate System = Issues After WW1, the major leaders (England and France) divided up the Arabian areas (Land taken from the Ottoman empire) New borders for nations were created This was done with very little thought to ethnic/racial or religious differences For example: Persians who were Christians were placed in nations that were led by Islamic leaders or Turkish who were Buddhist were placed in nations led by Catholics
Creating Israel After WW2 and the Holocaust, a plan was needed for the homeless Jews New idea called Zionism soon gained popularity Zionism was the idea to unite Jews around the world into a Jewish nation This new nation would allow Jews to live free from persecution/ harassment The area of Palestine was selected-it was controlled by England –(Mandate system) Original Jewish home
Israel is created In 1947 Palestine was split-up to create the nation of Israel Half of the land was still called Palestine and the other half was called Israel This was done in a meeting of the United Nations
Issues with the New Nation: Israel Israel is surrounded by Islamic/Muslim countries A Muslim is a follower of the Islamic religion All the Muslim nations were against the creation of Israel Jerusalem is a city in Israel This city is claimed as a holy city by all three major religions of the world Christianity, Judaism (Jew), Islam The three religions fight over control of the city
Problems!!!!!! All the neighboring Arabian nations declared war on Israel which lasted years. Israel slowly gained more territory. Palestinians upset they are forced to loose land Palestinians fight Jewish people everyday for control of land today Wars/battles still occur everyday
Circle map: Create and fill in the information Where is it located? Current issues Why was the present location selected to be the new Jewish nation? Why was a Jewish Nation needed?