CSC Trigger Meeting Summary Cast of many
CSC Trigger Meeting Agenda Status of U. Florida slice test o Status of Tests (Acosta) o Status of cosmic ray test stand (Stoeck) Progress with Track Finder hardware/firmware o SP Latency, design changes, and DT/CSC transition card (Uvarov) o SP-to-MS testing (Matveev) Progress with Peripheral Crate hardware/firmware o Brief TMB, RAT, MPC-mezz updates (Hauser) Simulation and test beam results o Simulation results (Drozdetski) o Test beam results (Hauser or Zheng) Software developments o Track-Finder GUI (Gray) Future schedules and planning o Production planning for 2004: MPC, CCB, TF, Sorter, etc. (All) o Slice test planning for 2004 (All)
CSC Trigger Meeting Highlights Cosmic ray stand at UF working with test beam 2003 setup to 1st order Sector Processor nearing completion (various developments) Chain test at Rice forseen with trigger data flow from TMB FIFOs to MPC to SP to MS Much of hardware, software team there Detailed discussion of goals for CERN structured beam test and SX5 slice tests
CERN Structured Beam Tests 2004 Base goals: Set up pre-production system esp. CCB and repeat prior tests Use new software package Use “fixed” SP system These are important validation for full production Additional top goals: Add an ME1/2 chamber in order to have 3-chamber test (for SP) Mount an endcap RPC on ME1/2, connect Link board to RAT, record RPC data in TMB Swap ME1/1 in for ME2/1 and read out its data Add a small block of iron between (15x15x30 cm?) Goals are ambitious for June. Use September test beam cycle to finish anything not accomplished in June.
Slice Test at SX5: CSC Plans for 2004 Goals Exercise peripheral crates, other systems at SX5 Run up to 2 full sectors so we can use SP to find cosmic ray tracks Provide “test bench” to prod CMS DAQ team to confront reality? Discussions of + versus – endcap My own opinion: make use of the counting room, run shorter or longer optical cables from there depending on which endcap is preferable