Isis & Her Worship
Who is Isis? Egyptian goddess Daughter of Geb and Nut Twin sister and wife of Osiris Sister of Set Mother of Horus
Her Domains Goddess of nature, magic, children, the dead Patron goddess of sinners, slaves, the poor, and especially sailors Spread of her worship – Iraq to Britain Temple in Pompeii
Set vs. Osiris Osiris – wise king and ruler Set – jealous brother Osiris’s insurance policy doesn’t cover death & dismemberment Isis uses her magic to reassemble, embalm, and revive Osiris Zombie Osiris becomes judge of the dead Son, Horus, fights Set
Visual Imagery Throne headdress – personification of the pharaoh’s power Wings for protecting her young Ankh Star of Isis Sirius New Year Gem on statue
Navigium Isidis – March 5
The festival Beginning of sailing season – grain to Rome Statue carried to Great Harbor Musicians and dancers Roses strewn, trumpeters High priest; sistrum Sacred ship Prayers and partying afterwards
Cult Worship Mystery religions Repentance Baptism, education, fasting, ceremony Magic and mystery Meeting Isis Life after death
Metamorphoses/The Golden Ass Only Latin novel Apuleius, 2nd century AD Witchcraft trial – magically stealing love Lucius and his curiosity His adventure & goal Another side of Rome Saved by Isis Joins her cult, can’t describe it