sugar- hiding in plain sight Aim: What is our food made up of? HW: ???? (none if I don’t use more than once!) Do Now: Sugar- Is it good or bad? WHY? What type of nutrient is it (carbohydrate/lipid/fat)? sugar- hiding in plain sight
The Chemistry of Nutrition
Chemistry Introduction Chemistry = the study of all substances and the changes that happen to them
Matter Matter=“stuff” Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter=“stuff”
Why we need to study chemistry in a biology class: All living things are: - made up of matter - made up of the same chemical building blocks - depend on chemical processes for survival ex: cellular respiration
Building Blocks of Chemistry Elements Compounds Atoms What all matter is made of 2 or more elements connected together Ex: water, glucose, salt Different types of atoms Ex: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen
CELL COMPOUNDS ATOMS (elements) Atoms= small Compounds= bigger Cell= biggest COMPOUNDS Protein ATOMS (elements)
The body is made of about 25 elements Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, & Nitrogen make up about 96% of the living matter in your body where do our atoms come from?
Important Element Symbols: H (Hydrogen) N (Nitrogen) O (Oxygen) C (Carbon) Each element is represented by a symbol made up of one or two letters.
How do we write chemical compounds using symbols? We list the elements in the compound, and how many atoms there are of each element This chemical formula is like a recipe H20 : ____________ CO2 : _________________ How many hydrogen atoms in 1 molecule of water? 2 1 How many oxygen atoms in 1 molecule of water?
What makes a compound organic? Organic compound: They contain both carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms.
What inorganic compounds are important to living things? Water Carbon dioxide What organic compounds are important to living things? Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids (DNA)
Large organic compounds are built from smaller building blocks Carbohydrates (Ex: Starch) Proteins Fats (lipids) Nucleic Acids Simple Sugars (Ex: Starch) Amino Acids Fatty Acids & Glycerol Nucleotides
Why do we have to digest these nutrients? SIMPLE SUGARS STARCH Large compounds can’t get into the cell!!
Carbohydrates get digested into simple sugars
Fats get digested into fatty acids & glycerol + Digestion + What is Fat? 16 16
Proteins get digested into amino acids
Enzymes are proteins Enzymes are called “catalysts.” They speed up digestion reactions Enzyme Enzyme Enzyme 18 18
Enzymes are proteins They also speed up synthesis reactions Starch Simple sugars Review: Digestion = Synthesis = 19 19
Enzymes are picky! Temperature and pH (acidity) can make an enzyme break! I’m melting! Broken enzyme - doesn’t work! Enzyme 20 20
Tying it all Together: Why do we need organic molecules? Science of macaroni salad
Our brains like sugar…. What is better: fresh or frozen food?