Inside Module 3 Working with Eloquence Page Commands to access Eloquence databases 2 Opening and closing a database 3 Eloquence and Base Command 4 Put Command 5 Summary 6 Eloquence, a product of Marxmeier Software AG, is a Client- Server/SQL database, that has a Turbo-Image call interface that makes Eloquence databases on HP 9000s look like HP 3000 databases. Eloquence also supports most of the same data types native to Turbo- Image databases. Most of the Suprtool commands for Eloquence work identically to the way they work for TurboIMAGE, so this module only describes the command where there are differences: Base, Put
Accessing data files These Suprtool commands access Eloquence data files: BASE GET CHAIN FORM PUT DELETE UPDATE Base Opens a specified database Get Selects an Eloquence dataset for serial access Chain Selects an Eloquence dataset for chained access Form Displays information about the items and datasets in a database Put Writes records to an Eloquence dataset Delete Removes records from a dataset Update Changes values in dataset records
Opening and closing a database You can use the BASE command to open a database >base store,5,READER The BASE command without parameters closes a database A database remains open until a BASE, RESET BASE or RESET ALL command is executed Alternate Base and Put command syntax special to Eloquence Syntax [servername][:server/]database,mode,password Defaults mode = 1 password = creator password Password In session mode, the creator password is used by default if a password is not entered or if Suprtool is not running interactively. To prompt for the password, put a question mark as the database password on the command line. This password will not be echoed. >base store,5,? Password > {will not be echoed} Modes Mode-1(default) - shared read, shared write Mode-3 - exclusive read, exclusive write Mode-4 - shared read, exclusive write Mode-5 - shared read, no write Examples >base store,5,reader {open database} >base {if no parameters, close database}
Eloquence and Base Command Base Command Syntax base [servername][:server/]database,mode,password base myserver:eloqdb/sample,5,reader base :eloqdb/sample,5,reader base :eloqdb/sample base sample The Base command can be specified in a number of ways for Eloquence. You can optionally specify the servername and the server port, you must always specify the database name. Suprtool will default to mode 1 (shared updates) and the creator password if they are not specifically specified. On MPE or with Image databases the database name is always upshifted. On HP-UX with Eloquence databases the base command arguments are never upshifted.
Put Command Put Command allows the same syntax put dataset,[servername][:server/][database] put dataset,myserver:eloqdb/sample Put dataset The Put command adds records to a given dataset of a given database. It can add to the currently open database or another database on the same machine or another server. The Put command arguments are not upshifted with Eloquence databases.
Summary Base Command Eloquence syntax Put Command allows the same syntax For the most part, Suprtool with Eloquence and Image work virtually the same. The primary difference is that Base and Put commands allow the Eloquence database to be fully qualified, with the servername, port and IP address, allowing you to access multiple instances of an Eloquence server. For more information on Eloquence we recommend the following web sites: