Step 1 Know the guidelines!
Step 2 Develop your idea and possible project team members; then contact grants manager
Step 3 (feasibility) Prepare the timeline and then budget through discussions with those who manage resources required to complete the project; then work with grants manager to determine feasibility
Step 4 Divide up narrative sections for distribution to knowledgeable/willing team members Avoid: would, should, could, may, etc. Assume: Reviewers don’t know anything about your project Remember: Less is more – write the essence of the thought you are trying to communicate; don’t overwhelm the reader with unnecessary language.
Step 4.5 Determine who will benefit or use the services or products of your mini grant project. Then request for letters (emails) of support (3) and commitment for your project
Step 5 Compile all components for a complete first draft; distribute to project team and those who manage resources necessary to complete the project; and obtain feedback
Step 6 Get written approvals (initials on cover sheet) from those who manage and allocate resources for your project; and Get letters of support
Step 7 Work with grants manager to refine components and complete the proposal at least 1 week prior to October 1st deadline.