Haags Ontmoeten: meeting centres for elderly and their carers
Aim of meeting centers for elderly Supporting elderly and carers in such a way that they are better equipped in being in control over their daily lives and being able to manage the care at home.
Target group Elderly with loss of control over their daily lives (due to physical, psychological reasons or loss of memory/dementia) (1300 elderly) Carers (children, partners) of these elderly (142 carers)
Main principles of Haags Ontmoeten No formal assessment of needs (geen indicatie WMO/WLZ) Located in vicinity of target group Action plan for all elderly that will take part Ownership of the elderly and carers Focus on vitality instead of vulnerability Activities carried out by professionals and volunteers Centres / locations are driving force in creating dementia friendly neighborhoods
Locations of centers for elderly in The Hague https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1mUbQTZkqYNavszFQ3iiSklW-TyM&ll=52.0769540&z=13