Mr. Vanderporten Contemporary American History War in Europe Mr. Vanderporten Contemporary American History
Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall Hitler wants to expand Germany’s land Wants to absorb Austria/Czechoslovakia into the Third Reich First takes Austria (Hitler’s Home Country) Most of Austria’s population wants to unite with Germany March 13th, 1938: The Anschluss or “union”
Map of Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia before the war
What’s Next? Czechoslovakia Hitler sees that nobody stopped him from taking Austria Wants the Sudetenland (large German speaking population) Hitler places troops at the Czech. border France and Britain promise to protect Czechoslovakia
Map of the Sudetenland
Munich Conference Is there going to be war? Well not yet. Hitler invites British and French Prime Ministers to Munich to discuss the Sudetenland Hitler says that the Sudetenland is his “last territorial demand” September 30th, 1938: British and French give the Sudetenland to Hitler
Neville Chamberlain “My friends, there has come back from Germany peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time.”
Appeasement Appeasement= giving up principles to pacify an aggressor Winston Churchill is very upset, believes appeasement will lead to war He was right! Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 Hitler now eyes Poland…..