Water Utility Business Applications
2 Agenda Industry overview and trends Our application visionary solution Business values Wireless network components Netronics Customer success stories
3 Industry overview Utility Service Traditional - Water, Power, Gas Other – roads and transportation, telecoms Ownership Public Cooperative Private Trends Liberalization, de-regulation and privatization -> Profitability oriented Environmental Clean or renewable energy sources – solar, wind Environmental friendly Security Adopt new methods and technologies Migrate Legacy SCADA Systems To Modern Backhaul Technologies AMR – Automated Meter Reading
4 Industry overview Why focus on water utilities? Large / Rich organizations Great potential for our offering Dispersed operations Remote and rural locations Own potential facilities for mounting wireless devices We see more and more deployments
5 Our visionary application solution Wireless Data Networks for Efficient Monitoring and Control What is monitored Flow Quality of water Offer for the infrastructure Migrate Legacy SCADA Systems To Modern Backhaul Technologies More reliable and secure connection Lower maintenance costs – move from proprietary to standard protocols
6 Our visionary application solution Automated Meter Reading (AMR) What is AMR? AMR technologies Technology growth
7 AMR (1) AMR Remote collection of consumption data from utility (Electric, Gas or Water) meters using radio frequency, telephony, power-line or satellite communications. Why use AMR? Enable conservation of resources – reduce waste Improve meter reading accuracy and Improve customer service Enable faster, more efficient reading times and billing process Significantly increase operational efficiency by providing real time pricing and time-of-use metering
8 AMR (2) AMR Market growth Worldwide AMR enabled meters Source: On World Report: Wireless AMR & Submetering: A Market Dynamics Study on Fixed Wireless Technologies
9 AMR (3) AMR technology US AMR Meters Deployed, By Technology Source: On World Report: Wireless AMR & Submetering: A Market Dynamics Study on Fixed Wireless Technologies
10 Our visionary application solution Automated Meter Reading (AMR) What is AMR? AMR technologies Technology growth Offering for the infrastructure Advanced backhaul Security and reliability network Better network management Use common infrastructure for different services
11 Our visionary application solution Effective Communication for Office Operations Enterprise type application Building connectivity for access and voice services Shared IT ERP application resources Offering for the infrastructure Common and standard infrastructure ROI and reduced IT costs
12 Our visionary application solution Real-time Surveillance Enhanced Safety and Security Comprehensive security solution Integrate video with other sensors Offering for the infrastructure High capacity broadband network for video application Commonly deployed solution Share network with other services
13 Our visionary application solution The WISP opportunity The Wild card Create new revenue, new business Leverage assets: Presents in rural areas Mounting rights (water towers) Back office and billing expertise
14 Netronics Customer Success Stories
15 Netronics Customer Success Stories Emaya, Spain Voice and Data connectivity to all EMAYA's facilities. Smooth and transparent operation of the SAP ERP system and VOIP service Remote monitoring and control for pumps and valves Considerable cost-saving Network built using Netronics NetLink MP and NetLink F product lines. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
16 Netronics Customer Success Stories West Australia Water Company Australias most challenging region of rural country Network Design From Water Corporation Head Office in Perth to Dam Site link travelling total sum over 300 Km Applications: Access, Voice Monitoring Devices and Services High Capacity Remote Access Video Surveillance Wireless Internet provisioning Western Australia
17 Netronics Customer Success Stories Wheatland Electric, US Deploy broadband access to customers in a demographically sparse region Compete on par with DSL and cable services Full customer coverage within two years of deployment Expanded coverage beyond electric service area Reliable broadband services for the entire community at an affordable price Network Based on NetLink Kansas, US
18 Netronics Customer Success Stories GAEB, Sweden Sweden's largest energy company Supplies energy as well as broadband services to the inhabitants of the Island of Gotland, Sweden - GEAB customers get a single bill for broadband and energy services Fulfill the Swedish Government's requirement that every Swedish business and home should have access to broadband Network using NetLink Gotland is now a model for communities throughout Sweden Gotland, Sweden
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