ULTRACEPT JAY R. SMITH MFG CO. ® ® Water Oil Separation Systems ®
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. The ULTRACEPT Process The Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. Ultracept Oil/Water Separation System, 8600 Series, is an above ground unit that removes free oil from wastewater. The proprietary Ultracept Oil/Water Separator continuously skims even the slightest sheens of oil from the surface of the water. The skimmed oil is discharged into a storage tank where it is easily removed for proper disposal. Solids that are collected are discharged through a sludge draw-off valve in the rear of the unit.
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. The ULTRACEPT Process Ultracept series separators are used in applications such as: Service Garages with Engine Maintenance & Rebuild Industrial Plants Heavy Equipment Wash Ground Water Remediation Truck Wash Vehicle Wash Aircraft Maintenance Facilitation The Ultracept works best in cleaning applications where oil and sediment must be efficiently removed to very low (PPM) discharge levels. Discharges under 10 PPM have been achieved.
ULTRACEPT ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. No Coalescing Packs It is very difficult to find anyone who wants to clean these plates! What if you didn't have to deal with messy, clogged coalescing plates? The Ultracept System uses no coalescing packs. While coalescing packs can help separate oil in appropriate applications, in truck wash down areas and other applications with high concentrations of suspended solids mixed with oil and grease, the coalescing packs clog quickly, necessitating maintenance. If maintenance is ignored, clogged coalescing filter packs can cause discharge violations or environmental spills due to unit overflows.
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. High Separation Efficiency! The Ultracept design features high separation efficiency without the need for coalescing filter packs. Ultracept incorporates a proprietary design which takes advantage of the cohesive quality of water coupled with a patented multi-stage separation process which enhances separation. Analytical results validate the effectiveness of the Ultracept design.
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. Continuous Skimming (Water is used as a carrier) Competing units use some variation of the “knife edge skimmer” to remove separated oil from water. This type of skimmer must be manually adjusted and is commonly misadjusted, resulting in water being skimmed with the recovered oil ( <10% water in the recovered oil is typically required by the waste oil reclaimers). In contrast, the Ultracept utilizes a “Continuous Skim” design that skims oil and water as it enters the skimming chamber. Water is used as a carrier in the skimming process. The skimmed oil and separated water are deposited in an off-line compartment with extended detention time allowed for separation. The water that carries the oil to this final treatment compartment is automatically decanted back to the surge pit and the pure oil is collected in the oil compartment for draw-off or for automatic gravity transfer to an adjacent oil storage tank.
Truck / Maintenance Shop and Wash Area JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems How The Ultracept System Can Work For You. Truck / Maintenance Shop and Wash Area Water flows from above ground into Smith /ACO trench drains. The over flow water is piped from the Ultracept back to the collection pit to begin the process over. The water comes into the Ultracept and passes over baffles that separates the oil from the water. Water flows from trench drains into an underground collection pit. The water comes over the baffle and gets pumped above ground into the Ultracept. The water comes into the collection pit and flows over a baffle to collect large debris. The water comes in from the baffles chamber and the oil gets collected to be drawn-off while the clean water is returned to the sewer system
ULTRACEPT ® JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® Oil / Water Separation Systems MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems Features & Benefits: No coalescing packs, filters, moving parts or chemicals Effective multi-stage separation process Continuous skim design ensures negligible water content in collection waste oil Simple on-grade installation Easy to modify to recycle wash water Minimal required maintenance
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. Above vs. Below Ground Installations Many competing companies have only below ground systems. Separating and storing oil below ground is a disadvantage with owner liability for leaky under-ground tanks and contaminated soil. Above ground installations are easier to service and maintain. Underground units are typically gravity fed but still require a pump to remove the oil and drain the unit. The Ultracept is piped to allow for gravity draining of the entire unit for cleaning. The separated oils flow from the unit via gravity to a storage vessel.
When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® When Meeting Discharge Requirements is the Problem, The ULTRACEPT System is the Solution. Service and Maintenance Since Ultracept systems have no moving parts, no coalescing packs to clean and no filters to change, suggested maintenance is less than 10 minutes a week. When occasional service is required on an Ultracept (e.g., to remove a heavy sediment layer on bottom on unit), a drain valve connected to the multiple drain ports on the rear of the unit is simply opened to drain the unit back to the surge pit. The sediment can then be easily removed (with a wet vacuum, or equivalent).
Ultracept Flow Capacities JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO ® MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT ® Oil / Water Separation Systems ® The ULTRACEPT System Sizing The Ultracept unit comes in a variety of sizes to fit virtually any application. Units are available for nominal flow rates of 2, 5, 10, 25, and 45 gallons per minute. Multiple units can also be installed in parallel to handle even higher flow rates. Model GPM GPD 8602 2 2,880 8605 5 7,200 8610 10 14,400 8625 25 36,000 8645 45 64,800 Ultracept Flow Capacities The process is the same regardless of the unit's size. The amount of waste water produced determines the size of the unit required for each particular application
Oil / Water Separation Systems JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO. SINCE 1926 Member of Morris Group International SMITH ® CUSTOMER DRIVEN ULTRACEPT Oil / Water Separation Systems JAY R. SMITH MFG. CO. Post Office Box 3237 Montgomery, Alabama 36109-0237 (800) 467.6484 www.jrsmith.com MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL www.morrisgroup.co