PARCC January 20, 2015
Testing Window Dates PBA EOY March 9th to March 20 (April 13th) April 27th to May 26th
PBA: Math Type I
PBA: Math Type II
PBA: Math Type III
PBA: English Language Arts Tasks The Literature Task asks students to carefully consider literature worthy of close study & compose an analytic essay. The Narrative Task asks students to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes or objects. In the Research Simulation Task, students will analyze an informational topic presented through several articles or multimedia stimuli, the first text being an anchor text that introduces the topic. Students will engage with the texts by answering a series of questions and synthesizing information from multiple sources in order to write two analytic essays.
PBA: Research Simulation
End of Year Assessment (EOY) End-of-year assessments are administered after approximately 90 percent of the school year. The ELA/literacy EOY will focus on reading comprehension. The mathematics EOY will ask students to demonstrate solid understanding of math concepts and demonstrate mathematical fluency. Evidence(s): Information gathered from student
ELA Differences EOY-PBA Luis
End of Year Assessment (PBA & EOY) Luis
Paper / Pencil Grades 3 & 4 10-Day window (March 9th - March 20th) 3RD Grade 4th Grade Monday, March 9 AM Tuesday, March 10 Wednesday, March 11 Thursday, March 12 Monday, March 16 Tuesday, March 17 Wednesday, March 18 Thursday, March 19
Computer Trial Grades 3rd-4th practiced the paper and pencil practice tests Grades 5th-6th particpated in a “trial run” by taking the tutorial Learned to use accessability features: Highlighting, eliminating answers, marking items for review later, use of pointer, notepad, calculator Practiced on laptops All grades worked through the new “style” of the test: different types of questions, new format Both reading and math Set up: It took a while to get to the testing page on the website, several steps. To make it easier, you may want to e-mail the students the direct link. (using their gmail address) This way it would be faster. Or, just bookmark on each laptop the webpage link. Tips: Level 1 tech is helpful for immediately problem solving tech issues and letting you know what the error is so we can notify IS or the assessment office. If you let the Assessment office know ahead of time and if they are available, they have also offered to attend. The mice are helpful especially for the drag and drop items. Sample items are nice to complete as a group, on the LCD projector while students follow along on their laptops/computers if possible. Even if they pair up. That way you can show them and they can try it out and the same time. This allows them time to practice with the tools and the test types. The laptops in particular do tend to be dim and small compared to the desktops. We found the highest level of brightness was helpful. Some students felt the print was too small, so the teacher showed them how to zoom in and out on the laptops.
School-Supplied Materials Wooden No. 2 pencils with eraser(s) students should bring No. 2 pencils on the day of the test, but a supply should also be available. Blank Scratch Paper Calculators For grades 3–5, calculators are allowed for accommodation use only. Students with a calculator accommodation may only use a four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. For grades 6–7, students may use only four-function calculators that also have the square root and percentage functions. Computers or devices (for grade 5 and 6) Headphones and mice
Testing Environment Students will be in their own classrooms or the computer lab Computer lab will have dividers between computers Posters with teaching aides are prohibited Lunchroom noise
Accommodations Students with IEPs or 504s Students will receive accommodations according to their individualized plan. Some students with accomodations may not test at the same time as their homeroom class. Such accommodations may include: Extra time Small group/individualized setting Specific computer accommodations for 5th or 6th grade If you have questions about your own child’s accommodations, please contact Ms. Brown or Mrs. Weber.
Any Questions?