Political Attitudes February 12, 2007
Societal goals and the “meaning of success” Economic growth Quality of life Environment Acceptance of diversity
Value Change Ronald Ingelhart; materialism and post-materalism “Old politics” to “New Politics”
Inglehart’s Theory of Value Change
Measuring Values “Here is a list of four aims over the next ten years. If you had to choose among these aims, which would be your first and second choices”: Maintain order in the nation Give the people more say in important government decisions Fight rising prices Protect freedom of speech World Values Survey See: http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/
Rise of Post Materialism
Age differences
Life Satisfaction and GNP
Social Capital Robert Putnam and Bowling Alone “features of social organizations such as networks, norms and social trust” Loss in membership of civic organizations—loss in social interactions and civic discussions Leads to loss in civic engagement