18/9/14 Genre 4 TP: Explore the conventions of different genres in more depth. Bell work: Write down what you think will happen next in The Pedestrian.
Individual Activity During reading, underline or highlight any words that you are unsure of their meanings.
The Pedestrian Watch the following animated version of the story: http://vimeo.com/43542474
Individual Task In your reading journal (RJ), record the words that you are unsure of. Look up and record their definitions.
Paired Work Now that you are familiar with the story, fill out the graphic organiser with the relevant information. The summary statement should be 2 – 3 sentences maximum and SUM UP the key events in the story without going into detail.
Group Task Get back into the groups you were working with yesterday. Skim and scan the rest of the story to find information that is relevant to your heading. On the paper, write down quotes from the text or paraphrase (put into your own words as necessary. REMEMBER: each group should have a chairperson, recorder, reporter and timekeeper.