Biological and Evolutionary Bases of Behavior Chapter 3
Darwin’s finches
How humans came to be The evolution of bipedalism and encephalization hugely improved fitness Bipedalism reduced calorie requirements of moving over distance
Encephalization increased our abilities to problem-solve and cooperate with conspecifics to exploit our environment for food and resources
Evolution of cognition Complex reasoning, remembering, & planning enabled language Language enabled transmission of knowledge gained over time Transmission of knowledge, combined with creativity and more reasoning enabled cultural evolution Cultural evolution has enabled such activities as eating with forks, using computers, and participating in roles in civilization
Peeking into human hardware Recent development of sophisticated computer methods allow detailed images of human brain without damaging or distressing patient. Methods include computerized axial tomography (CAT or CT) positron emission tomography (PET) electro-encephalography (EEG) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) functional MRI
The Organization of the Brain Asymmetries in the brain Language Understanding about brain mechanisms for language largely derived from studies of patients with brain damage. Aphasia – language deficit caused by brain damage Broca’s area – involved in speech production Wernicke’s area – involved in speech comprehension
The Organization of the Brain Split-brain research The brain normally acts as integrated whole but for some epilepsy patients, the corpus callosum is surgically severed - these split-brain patients provide important insights into brain function
The Organization of the Brain
The Organization of the Brain ...Asymmetries in the brain Hemispheric specialization – split-brain research indicates two hemispheres function differently Left hemisphere – controls ability to express self through language and skilled in mathematical abilities Right hemisphere – comprehends only simple language but highly developed in spatial and pattern sense Specialization does not mean two hemispheres work independently but rather they continually integrate activities
Reading assignment Pg. 50, 71-73, 75