The 4 Slide (3 minute) Poster Presentation Template (Hunter Construct)
Outline You will have 3 minutes to present your poster: you needn’t read it all, but rather – hit highlights. I find the below structure an efficient & effective construct; Slide 1: Introduction & expanded problem representation statement summarizing the case (1 min) Slide 2: Teaching point #1 (45 sec) Slide 3: Teaching point #2 (45 sec) Slide 4: Summary and 'walk-away' points to apply to practice. (< 30 sec) You can either print ‘handout’ format and put on 3 x 5 cards… or not :
Introduction & expanded problem representation statement Introductory / Framing Sentence Problem Representation Statement (One minute)
Teaching Point #1 (Background/normalizing point) (45 sec)
Teaching Point #2 (Foreground/knowledge-advancing point) (45 sec)
Summary and 'walk-away' points to apply to practice In summary… (< 30 sec)