Inaccuracy of a Physical Strain Trainer for the Monitoring of Partial Weight Bearing  Johannes Pauser, MD, Andreas Jendrissek, MD, Bernd Swoboda, MD, Kolja.


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Presentation transcript:

Inaccuracy of a Physical Strain Trainer for the Monitoring of Partial Weight Bearing  Johannes Pauser, MD, Andreas Jendrissek, MD, Bernd Swoboda, MD, Kolja Gelse, MD, Hans-Dieter Carl, MD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 92, Issue 11, Pages 1847-1851 (November 2011) DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.06.007 Copyright © 2011 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 (A) The PBS physical strain trainer and (B) a divided heel pad with insertable signal springs to adjust loading as required. It gives an audible and noticeable signal (click-clack) when the trainer is overloaded. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011 92, 1847-1851DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2011.06.007) Copyright © 2011 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 (A) peak pressure, (B) maximum force, (C) pressure-time integral, (D) force-time integral. The reduction of foot load with a physical strain trainer was assessed by pedobarography. Two different regions of the foot (hindfoot and total foot) were analyzed for maximum force, peak pressure, pressure-time integral, and force-time integral (mean ± SD). Black spots illustrate values from normative gait, gray spots represent the limitation to 50% BW, and white columns show results from 10% BW. +, P<.05 compared with normative gait. *, P<.05 compared with hindfoot values with 10% BW. #, P<.05 compared with hindfoot values with 50% BW. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011 92, 1847-1851DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2011.06.007) Copyright © 2011 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions