Center for Applied Information Technology and Learning This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Center for Applied Information Technology and Learning State of the CAPITAL Presented to the LSU Community By Joel E. Tohline, Interim Director January 16, 2003
Part V: Where do we go from here? 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Ongoing Considerations Participation in National LightRail Initiative (Jerry Draayer’s leadership critical here) ? NSF Teragrid ? Intel Foundation (SuperMike upgrade) ? Creative Technology Laboratory (Stephen Beck’s leadership critical here) ? Establishment of campuswide imaging and visualization facility ? NSF/EPSCoR “Center of Excellence” RFP ? NSF ITR ? Blockbuster Entertainment ? Others … 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
NLR Footprint and Layer 1 Topology SEA POR SAC NYC BOS OGD CHI SVL DEN CLE FRE PIT WDC KAN RAL STR NAS LAX PHO WAL ATL SDG OLG DAL JAC 15808 Terminal, Regen or OADM site (OpAmp sites not shown) Fiber route
Advisory Panel Creative Technology Laboratory Chuck Dages, Warner Bros. V.P. of Emerging Technology Ty Braswell, Virgin Records V.P. of New Media Doug Rogers & Ed Leonard, Dreamworks SKG Art Director & Head of Technology Ulrich Newman, USC Director, Integrated Media Systems Center Steve Berman, Univ. of California Assoc. Dir., Digital Media Innovations Program John Watkin, Executive Producer, Planet Grande Pictures Marvin Sanders, President of Marvster Media 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Los Angeles Meeting with CTL Advisory Panel 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Los Angeles Meeting with CTL Advisory Panel 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Imaging & Visualization Facility Shell Chemicals (New Orleans) CAVE: Stennis Space Center & MSU SGI, Mountain View Dreamworks 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Fred C. Frey Computing Services Center 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
3rd Floor Frey Renovation 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Many, many people to thank, starting with … Jade Ethridge, Administrative Assistant LSU CAPITAL 288 Nicholson Hall 225.578.7877 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Thanks to … University Relations Other Offices Lucie Kantrow Debbie Richards Sandra Gillen Rose Mary Wilhelm Vicki S. Wolf Gene Sands Holly Houk Ron Brown Jon Fisher Robin Dunkin Robin Jacob Jennifer Pickard Moira Parker Ed Dodd Frank Bourgeois Jim Zeitz 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
Office of Computing Services Thanks to at least the following! Ron Hay Bill Beyer Emilio Icaza Charlie McMahon George Becker Ric Simmons Serge Razafindrakoto Sean Robbins Terry Doub Boyd Bourque Brian Ropers-Huilman Isaac Traxler Allen Gordon Claire Moreau Kenny Welshons Sara Earl Allie Moran Susan Crochet 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL
… and thanks to all of you for your participation, suggestions, help, and encouragement. Keep it up! 12/28/201812/28/2018 State of the CAPITAL