Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) Gonczlik Tamás Municipality of Budapest
Status of cities in the field of energy consumption Most people live in cities in Hungary. Most of the energy consumption is linked to the activities of cities. Most of the CO2 emission arises in the big cities. Activity of the local goverments and big cities have an important part in reducing the CO2 emission.
Advantages of reducing CO2 emission Cleaner air More comfortable climate Healthier, more attractive environment Reasonably implemented energy consumption -> recoverable investments Efficient management of public funds
Covenant Of Mayors A significant part of local governments don’t recognize the benefits of reducing CO2 emission Eye-catching effect. Coverable investments. Budapest joined the Covenant of Mayors with the 2089/2008 decision. Budapest made a pledge to reduce the CO2 emission by 20 % until 2020 and the preparation of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP).
SEAP „Best energy is the unused energy” Structure and content can be choosen free, but it must be unified by right of some criterias. Making of energetic plans The purpose is to reduce the whole city’s energy consumption Effects are checked from management and change of cities Development costs must be showed of every activity that influence the energy consumption ratio (for example construction of Metro line 4 -> reduce the car traffic -> reduce CO2 emission). We can make the energy efficient improvements attractive to other (market) actors.
Preparation of SEAP 1. On the SEAP form the basic data’s table setting –situation of 2005 inventory –2005-2010 inventory – by 2020 fixing the planned intervention and its effects to reduce CO2 . 2. Creating the text version of Sustainable Energy Action Plan 3. Sending the Sustainable Energy Action Plan documents to capital companies (BKK, BVK, BFVK). 4. Accept by the General Assembly 5. Social consultation Every second year monitoring to Covenant of Mayors
Affected aeras Energy consumption of Government facilities Other institutions Dwelling houses Street-lighting Industry Government vehicles, public transport Private and trading transport
Realized investments (1) „Light of our eyes” program: lighting modernization of educational institutions Institutional building and heat reconstruction (Széchenyi-bath, Budapest Zoo). Energetic programs (KEOP) Company programs FŐGÁZ Zrt: heating modernization programs, high efficiency, co-generation energy product implementing gas turibnes and gas motor plants of contruction. CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) service station consrtuction
Realized investments (2) FŐTÁV Zrt: high efficiency, co-generation energy product implementing gas turbines and gas motor plants of contruction-> energy savings, reducing CO2 emissions, insulation of drains construction of user substation, heating modernization. Transport investments: - continuous expansion of bus lanes, cycle pathes - Driving restrictions in the downtown area - Limitation of transit heavy traffic - Construction of P+R parks - Development of trolley system - Development of cycle system - Construction of Metro line 4
Additional Options Waste collection and management Geotermic and lost heat energy utilization Rising the awareness of the residental sector (alternative fuel vehicles, energetic investments, alternative energy using proportion of expansion etc)
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