Technology for a NASA Space-based Science Operations Grid Internet2 Members Meeting Advanced Applications Track Session April, 2003 Robert N. Bradford Marshall Space Flight Center Flight Projects Directorate Ground Systems Department Sandra H. Redman Information Technology and Systems Center University of Alabama at Huntsville Page: 1 December 28, 2018
Scope Propose a concept and approach for a Space-based Science Remote Operations Grid for on board International Space Station (ISS) payloads and experiments to support research scientists located at various universities, both nationwide and international Perform a feasibility study to include the necessary grid enabling technologies, networking infrastructure, control systems, tools and end user ground systems Page: 2 December 28, 2018
Purpose of Study With the evolution, proliferation and growth associated with computer system and network technologies and the evolution of standards and technologies of ground systems in support of space-based science operations, a Space-based Science Operations Grid can be implemented which will apply the benefits of grid technology to space operations systems Providing a dynamic, secure and scalable architecture based on standards and next-generation reusable software Enabling greater science collaboration and productivity through shared resources and distributed computing Lowering costs while increasing capabilities for remote Principle Investigators to perform scientific research Page: 3 December 28, 2018
Objectives and Methodology 12/28/2018 Objectives and Methodology Objective: Initially, determine the feasibility of implementing a Space-based Science Operations Grid to support NASA space based science operations Determine if there are issues with providing voice, video, telemetry services and planning services, including security, to support free flying satellites, Shuttle based science and the International Space Station ground science operations located at various telescience support centers (TSCs) and other remote user locations Methodology: Identify existing systems, standards and networks which can fulfill the space-based science services listed above, on which ISS payload operations are dependent Conduct an examination of current Grid implementations, technology developments Measure network performance between NASA site cities to determine if network performance levels are adequate to support NASA real-time operations when used in a grid architecture Develop prototype system as proof-of-concept Page: 4 December 28, 2018
Approach and Assumptions Work within NASA requirements Use the Internet Protocol (IP) end to end (except for ISS) Identify and use standards-based technologies, existing systems and software Where existing systems, standards and software do not fully meet the service requirements, reassess the NASA requirement for relevancy, i.e., network packet loss Assumptions: Only one solution need be identified to fulfill a specific service requirement ,i.e., voice and IVoDS or one adequate network to be considered a feasible solution No network link encryption is provided by vendor network providers Page: 5 December 28, 2018
Grid Definitions High Level Definition of a Grid: “Grids are persistent environments that enable software applications to integrate instruments, displays, computational and information resources that are managed by diverse organizations in widespread locations” (Source: Definition of a Space-based Science Operations Grid: “a persistent environment that enables ground system applications to integrate space based scientific instruments, telemetry displays, computational and information resources that are managed by diverse organizations at remote ISS Principal Investigator sites” Page: 6 December 28, 2018
Payload Operation Integration Control (POIC) Services Payload Data Services System (PDSS) acquires, stores, and distributes ISS data to the EHS, IPs, TSCs, and other payload-unique facilities. Enhanced Huntsville Operation Support Center (HOSC) System (EHS) performs command processing and real-time and near-real-time telemetry processing for pre-launch integration and checkout, simulation training and flight operations. Payload Planning System (PPS) provides a set of software tools to automate planning and schedule payload activities. Enhanced Mission Communications System (EMCS) receives voice, video and data from external interfaces and distributes voice, video and data to the wide area network service providers for distribution to remote users. Page: 7 December 28, 2018
Payload Operation Integration Control (POIC) Services Internet Voice Distribution System (IVoDS) Distributes encrypted ISS voice to remote users via the Internet Page: 8 December 28, 2018
Telescience Resource Kit (TReK) Telemetry Receive, Process, Record, Forward, and Playback Telemetry data, perform exception monitoring Commanding Send command, command tracking, command session recording and viewing Displays Automatically generate a display to view any telemetry TReK is processing Database Telemetry Database, Command Database Application Programming Interface access telemetry and command functions, and build data displays, computations, and scripts using COTS products. Test & Checkout Stand-alone training mode, Flight Tools Checkout (Test your displays, computations, scripts, and commands using a Suitcase Simulator and your payload hardware) Page: 9 December 28, 2018
Space-based Science Operations Grid - Phase 1 Prototype Internal HOSC/ NASA I/Fs Grid Services in MSFC B4207 Annex Network Services Remote Users TLM PC (TReK) EZStream® Web Server N P o r R E A M P T H R E U N A P D S UofChile Santiago Star Light A B I L E N = Outreach Enabling TLM PC (TReK) UAH CMD PC (TReK) IVoDS Conf Server IVoDS Admin Server IVoDS Conf Server CVoDS Server External to MSFC Grid Services CSOC DL Video GViDS Server ARC Info Power UofWisc TBD LDAP & Grid Profiles Stanford Univ Video Auditorium UAH Data Mining
A Defined Concept for Ops Services by Component Component Potential Solution Security Component Grid Services PKI, IPSec, SecureDNS, etc. Payload/Experiment Control Telemetry processing, distribution EHS Command processing EHS Database Services EHS Display Services EHS Telemetry acquisition and distribution PDSS Payload planning PPS Voice Distribution IVoDS Network Component Abilene, Grid Services Remote User/Instrument Portal Component Mission voice including space to ground links IVoDS ISS Video IViDS Commanding and command data basing TReK Telemetry processing and data display TReK Planning and re-planning Web, Rose & other Educational and Public Outreach Component EZStream® & other Collaboration Environment Grid Services Integration of Custom Applications Grid Services Page: 11 December 28, 2018
Space-based Science Operations Grid - Phase 2 Internal HOSC/ NASA I/Fs Grid Services in MSFC B4207 Annex Network Services Remote Users TLM PC (TReK) EZStream® Web Server N I S A M P T H R E U N A P D S TLM PC (TReK) EZStream® Web Server UofChile Santiago Star Light TLM PC (TReK) EZStream® Web Server TLM PC (TReK) A B I L E N = Outreach Enabling TLM PC (TReK) UAH CMD PC (TReK) VPN HOSC CMD CMD PC (TReK) VPN IVoDS CVoDS Server External to MSFC Grid Services CVoDS Server IVoDS Admin Server IVoDS Conf Server VPN IVoDS Conf Server ARC Info Power Grid CSOC DL Video GViDS Server Other TBD UofWisc TBD GViDS Server Stanford Univ Video Auditorium LDAP UAH Data Mining
Conclusions and Follow On Grid technology development is well funded, backed by major computing and networking vendors and has been implemented worldwide MSFC’s ISS Payload Operations Integration Center (POIC) is well positioned to participate in a Space-based Science Operations Grid by leveraging TReK, IVoDS and EHS Remote Services applications as grid services Network measurements are on-going Introducing real-time, high end performance processing, the ability to integrate custom applications and collaboration tools into Space-based science operations may have significant applications for future operations and science Follow On: Develop a prototype Space-based Science Operations Grid for ISS payloads collaborating with MSFC/POIC, UAH and ARC Determine the applicability by polling the science community Continue participation in Grid development initiatives Page: 13 December 28, 2018
Future Successful application of grid technology to ISS Payload Operations can be extended to other spacecraft and free-flyers, as well as potential Control Center functions Once IP is available space to ground, the experiment or payload on-board the spacecraft can become a grid node also, achieving even greater cost reductions and providing flexibility for the scientist Page: 14 December 28, 2018