ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (optional section) TITLE List of authors University of Washington School of Medicine plus appropriate Department, Division or other Institution INTRODUCTION A very short statement describing the current gap in scientific knowledge that your project is designed to address. Use the largest font possible, typically at least 28 Font RESULTS Table 1 or Figure 1 When possible, present your results as figures such as graphs or images. Use the title and legend/footnotes to help the reader interpret the take-home point of the findings. Table 3 or Figure 3 Tables should be kept as simple as possible. It typically works best to make the tables from within Power Point. Consider adding colored font or highlighting selected cells to create box frames to highlight the main results within the table. PURPOSE The hypothesis or research question that your project was designed to address. METHODS For Basic Science projects this section is often called Materials & Methods instead of Methods. The exact content depends on your study. It always includes a description of your study design and the outcomes that were compared in your analysis. For basic science projects, include a description of the animals, cell lines or tissues used, plus laboratory methods. For clinical studies, describe the study population or participants and measurements made or data collected. Also include a brief description of the statistical analysis. Keep it brief, but include enough information so that readers can easily understand your results section. Typically the following subheadings or bullets will be included: Study Design Participants, Animals, Cell lines or Tissues studied Laboratory methods (or data collected) Outcomes Statistical Analysis CONCLUSIONS A short statement summarizing your interpretation of the results shown in the poster. This is the “bottom line”. Use bulleted points if appropriate. Table 2 or Figure 2 For graphs, it usually works best to make and save the graph in Excel, then insert it in the poster at which time you can resize if needed. SIGNIFICANCE This is a very short statement about the scientific significance of your findings. You may wish to include limitations of your study design, and possible next steps. Use bulleted points if appropriate. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (optional section) List funding sources or other recognitions.