Rain, Rain, Go Away L/O Friday, 28 December 2018 To study the 3 types of rainfall Use the statements below to complete the flow diagram of how clouds are created Starter Water Vapour Condenses Water droplets join together The air cools Warm air rises Clouds are created
L/O - To study the 3 types of rainfall Describe the 3 ways rainfall is created (L4) Describe and explain the 3 ways rainfall is created using key words (L5) Give examples of places that might experience each type of rainfall (L6) Interpret and explain why the west of the UK is generally wetter than the east (L7) Video Watch carefully Can there really be different types of rain? evaporate, evaporation, condense, condensation, precipitation, rainfall, dew point Relief, convection, frontal
L/O - To study the 3 types of rainfall Describe the 3 ways rainfall is created (L4) Describe and explain the 3 ways rainfall is created using key words (L5) Give examples of places that might experience each type of rainfall (L6) Interpret and explain why the west of the UK is generally wetter than the east (L7) Task – Use the instructions to create a spinning wheel to show the 3 types of rainfall. Stretch and Challenge – Give an example of a place where each of these types of rainfall might occur. They do not have to be in the UK. Explain your answer. (L6) Try this one – using the atlas and your knowledge of the UK explain why the West is wetter than the East (L7). evaporate, evaporation, condense, condensation, precipitation, rainfall, dew point Relief, convection, frontal
L/O - To study the 3 types of rainfall Describe the 3 ways rainfall is created (L4) Describe and explain the 3 ways rainfall is created using key words (L5) Give examples of places that might experience each type of rainfall (L6) Interpret and explain why the west of the UK is generally wetter than the east (L7) Plenary Write a tweet to summarise one type of rainfall. e.g. this one is caused by… Pass it to a friend to see if they can #tag the type of rainfall. e.g. #relief evaporate, evaporation, condense, condensation, precipitation, rainfall, dew point Relief, convection, frontal