Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS) The Framework for District and School Support along with Texas Accountability Intervention System are a research based approached to school improvement that engages the district and school in the improvement process. The framework outlines five systemic components regarding district-level commitments, four support system components to be implemented at both the district and campus levels, and seven factors know to be critical to campus success. Planning for continuous improvement through the lens of these District Commitments, Support Systems and Critical Success Factors will result in the outcomes of accelerated achievement, sustainability, and system transformation. The Framework for district and school support was developed collaboratively between the TEA and TCDSS. Local ESCs continue to develop tools and support for districts and campuses that align with framework that drives continuous improvement. All of these elements are part of a healthy system for improvement. It takes each part of the system operating together for school success.
District Commitments Here is a quick review of the elements of the framework. The commitments of the district are essential for the success of each school. This red ring of the framework represents the philosophy or mindset of the district in it’s role for improvement. Components of the District Commitments are Operational Flexibility, Clear Vision and Focus, Sense of Urgency, High Expectations, and District-wide Ownership and Accountability.
Support Systems Inside the District Commitments are the support systems. The support systems are the evidence of the district commitments. If you consider the District Commitments as “how” the district functions, you could view the components of the blue Support Systems ring as “what” provides structure to the improvement process. Components here are Organizational Structure, Processes and Procedures, Communications, and Capacity and Resources.
Within the support systems are the critical success factors Within the support systems are the critical success factors. The CSFs serve as key focus areas for improvement at the school level. The CSFs are grounded in evidence based research and have been found to be key elements for campus and cross-district improvement efforts.
Critical Success Factors Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Plan Implement & Monitor Improve School Climate Family Community Engagement The Critical Success Factors are Teacher Quality, Improve School climate, Family and Community Engagement, Academic Performance, Utilize Data, Leadership Effectiveness, and Increase Learning Time. Teacher Quality Increase Learning Time Academic Performance Utilize Data Leadership Effectiveness Leadership Effectiveness
At the heart of the framework lies the Continuous Improvement Process. There are numerous tools and resources available to assist your improvement efforts through TCDSS or your local ESC. These resources will be outlined at the end of today’s session.
With District Commitments and Support Systems in place and continuous improvement efforts focused on the Critical Success Factors, the outcomes of Accelerated Achievement, System Transformation, and Sustainability can be realized.
Targeted Improvement Plan with Quarterly Progress Reports Data Process Reporting State Districts & Campuses IR or Met Standard Indexes & Safeguards August 18 Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Plan Implement & Monitor Targeted Improvement Plan with Quarterly Progress Reports Federal (ESEA Waiver) Districts & Campuses Safeguards TBD/TBA To conclude, I want to first review the data sources we’ve talked about and show how they fit into different systems, but also highlight how the state has continued its efforts to simplify and align systems through a common improvement process and common reporting. Data sources for the state accountability system are performance indexes and system safeguards. Resulting ratings of improvement required or met standard were applied to districts and campuses August 8 after the data release on August 1st The data source being focused on during ongoing waiver negotiations is our system safeguards. Once decisions are made around the waiver, districts and campuses will be notified, but all these details are yet to be determined For performance based monitoring or PBM, the data source is the PBMAS report, which is being released today, with staging for districts coming out mid-late September. No matter what data source or combination of data sources being used by one of these systems, the improvement process is the same. The Texas accountability intervention system improvement process of data analysis, needs assessment, improvement planning, and implementing and monitoring is research based best practice and applies to all campuses and districts. Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) Districts PBMAS August 30Staging mid/late September
Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Plan Implement & Monitor Charlotte Introduction slide for “Building a strong improvement Plan” section of the training…This image reflects on the continuous improvement process.