Eschatology The Tribulation Part 4
How? Tribulation Judgment The pressing question for students of prophecy is to address the means by which God will bring Israel to ______________. This is particularly significant in view of the fact that the majority of the world’s population is _________. The Tribulation will be a time of unparalleled ___________. Tribulation Judgment A judgment upon Israel that will drive God’s people to repentance A judgment upon wicked gentiles (both nations and individuals) A judgement upon an apostate world religious order A judgement upon the kingdom of antichrist.
Old Testament Titles for the Tribulation The Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Jer. 30:7 The Seventieth Week of Daniel – Dan. 9:27 Jehovah’s Strange Work and Strange Act – Isa. 28:21 The Indignation – Isa. 26:20; Dan. 11:36 The Overflowing Scourge – Isa. 28:15,18 The Day of the Lord’s Vengeance – Isa. 34:8; 35:4; 61:2 The Year of Recompenses – Isa. 34:8 A Time of Trouble – Dan. 12:1; Zep. 1:15 The Day of Wrath, Distress, Wasteness, Desolation, Darkness, Gloominess, Clouds and Thick Darkness – Zep. 1:15 The Day of Darkness – Amos 5:18,20; Joel 2:2 The Day of the Trumpet and Alarm – Zep. 1:16 New Testament Titles for the Tribulation The Day of the Lord – 1 Thes. 5:2 The Wrath of God – Rev. 15:1,7; 14:10,19; 16:1 The Hour of Trial – Rev. 3:10
The Great of the Wrath of the Lamb of God – Rev. 6:16,17 The Wrath to Come – 1 Thes. 1:10 The Wrath – 1 Thes. 5:9; Rev. 11:18 The Great Tribulation – Mat. 24:21; Rev. 2:22; 7:14 The Tribulation – Mat. 24:29 The Hour of Judgment –Rev. 14:7 Psalm 2 depicts storing up and release of righteous anger of God against people who _________ His sovereignty, reject His _____, attempt to throw off all ___________. As God utilizes the wrath of man for His own _______ (Psalm 76:10), the world will pass through a series of terrible experiences, some created by _____ himself, some directly the hand of God in the natural world. There are two positions in the interpretation of the data given in Revelation chapters 5-19. The minority view is that the series of judgments begun with the seven sealed book are repeated in the seven trumpets and seven bowls (____________view).
Most dispensationalists see the unfolding judgments as chronological with Revelation 11 describing the mid-point of the Tribulation (______________ view). This is not in any way an accommodation to the Mid-Tribulation Rapture theory. It is a reasonable reading of the text similar to the reading of any other book of the Bible. Viewing the more prominent interpretation, we can see the __________ destruction that will be experienced by the world during this awful time. Looking at the each cycle of judgment, it is apparent that ______ is at work whether by the hand of man or acting independently from man. Seal Judgments First Seal – White Horse – Appearance of antichrist working through diplomacy Second Seal – Red Horse – Open warfare Third Seal – Black Horse – Famine Fourth Seal – Pale Horse – Death Fifth Seal – Martyrdom Sixth Seal – Unnatural Disasters in the natural world Seven Seal – Silence followed by seven angels with seven trumpets
Trumpet Judgments Bowl Judgments First Trumpet – Hail and fire mingled with blood Second Trumpet – Great mountain striking the oceans Third Trumpet – Water sources polluted. Fourth Trumpet – Heavenly bodies affected Fifth Trumpet – the first woe – Locusts from the bottomless pit Sixth Trumpet – the second woe – An army 200 million strong marches west Seventh Trumpet – the third woe – Announcement that end is at hand with the appearance of seven angels with seven bowls full of the final judgments Bowl Judgments First Bowl – Loathsome sores Second Bowl – Oceans turns to blood Third Bowl – Domestic water turns to blood Fourth Bowl – The Sun intensifies and men are scorched Fifth Bowl – Darkness Sixth Bowl – Euphrates Rivers dries up making way for the kings of the East Seventh Bowl – Violent natural disasters
The consequences of all of this judgment will be the death of ____________ the world’s population (one fourth in the fourth seal – Revelation 6:8 and one third of the remainder in the sixth trumpet – Revelation 9:15). Even though many if not most people will come to recognize that the judgment comes from God, they still refuse to repent. (Rev. 16:9-11,21) God will pour out judgment upon the kingdom of antichrist (Rev. 16:10), who will ultimately be __________ and judged (Rev. 20:10). It should not be assumed that people who have rejected Christ in the age of grace will have a _______ opportunity to be saved once they realize the implications of the Tribulation. (2 Thes. 2:3-12) Neither should we assume that there will be _____ salvations in the Tribulation Period. The nations of the world will be evangelized by 144,000 _______ evangelists. (Rev. 7:1-12 ) God’s people who rejected Messiah will now __________ Him to the world. In addition to the Jewish evangelists, God will have two particular witnesses who through modern communication means will have a ___________ audience. (Rev. 11:3-13) God will not be without witness. Even after the two witnesses are resurrected and translated, God will still have a _______in the earth. (Rev. 14:6,7)
Ultimately, the Tribulation is about the ______________ of the plan and purpose of God. He who men have so long rejected will assume title deed to the earth. He will finally destroy _____ rebels and set up His kingdom upon the earth. (Rev. 11:14-19)