TRIBULATION PERIOD (TP) Revelation of Jesus Christ: Timeline Diagram – Literal, Futuristic View Based Upon: “Unlocking the Last Days” By Jeff Lasseigne GOD The Father GOD The Son HOLY TRINITY GOD The Holy Spirit HEAVEN Jesus at the right-hand of the Father War in Heaven (Rev 12) Scroll Open (Rev 5) Seal Judgements inc. 4 Horsemen (Rev 6) 7th Seal = Trumpet Judgements (Rev 8-9) Plagues & Bowl Judgements (Rev 15-16) 3x Hallelujah over Babylon’s fall (Rev 19) Ascension (Rev 12 & Acts 6) Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19) Judgement Seat of Christ (The Bema) (Rev 22) Heaven Destroyed (Rev 20) CA SAINTS Dead & Alive JESUS CA Saints OT Saints TP Martyrs Holy Angels NEW Heaven (Rev 21) EARTH Mid-Tribulation 3½ Years 7 Churches Panorama of Church History (Rev 2-3) Great White Throne (Rev 20) Rapture (Rev 4 & 1 Thes 4) One world politico-economic (666) Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea One-world religion Beast Worship 2nd Coming (Rev 19) Great Tribulation INTO ETERNITY CHURCH AGE (CA) TRIBULATION PERIOD (TP) 7 Years MILLENNIUM KINGDOM 1,000 Years (Rev 20) Peace Treaty (Dan 9:27) Peace Treaty Reneged (Dan 9:27) Antichrist (Rev 13) Slides Produced by © Copyright 2018 All rights reserved. False Prophet (Rev 13) Satan Released, raises an Army (Rev 20) Prostitute (Babylon - Rev 17) Prostitute Destroyed (Rev 17) Battle of Gog & Magog (Rev 20) Abomination of Desolation (Rev 13, Dan 12:11, Mat 24) Fall of Babylon (Rev 17-18) Satan in the Lake of Fire (Rev 20) Woman & Dragon (Rev 12) Battle of Armageddon (Rev 16 & 19) Lake of Fire (2nd Death ) (Rev 20) 144,000 Israeli Missionaries (Rev 7) The Beasts in the Lake of Fire (Rev 19) Death & Hades Destroyed (Rev 20) 2 Witnesses (Rev 11) Satan in the Abyss (Rev 20) Earth Destroyed (Rev 20) Dragon Antichrist UNHOLY TRINITY False Prophet 3 Angels Preaching & Warning (Rev 14) NEW Earth (Rev 21) Jewish Wilderness Exodus (Rev 12) NEW Jerusalem (Rev 21) Jesus 1,000 year rule (Rev 20 & 12) EDEN RESTORED (Rev 22) DRAGON = Lucifer, Satan, Devil BEAST From SEA (1st) = Antichrist BEAST From EARTH (2nd) = False Prophet PROSTITUTE = Babylon, Global Religion BABYLON = A place, Global Politico-Economic System WOMAN = Israel CHILD = Christ 144,000 = 12k Jewish believers x12 tribes OT = Old Testament (Before Christ) NT = New Testament KEY In HEAVEN The GOOD The BAD