Caricaturas (cartoons) 100PTS Need textbook Students need to create 2 comic strips of four panels each.( One comic strip per day.) MAKE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME AND PERIOD IN YOUR COMIC STRIP 1st panel: exchange greetings and introductions (greeting expressions and introductions pg.3 textbook) 2nd panel: discuss likes and dislikes (gustar + Indirect objects; pg. 5 textbook) 3rd panel: describe people physically (Verbos ser, and tener + adjectives pg. 7,8,9 textbook) 4th panel: describe people emotionally and location (Verbo estar pg. 10 textbook) 5th panel: ask for and give information )Use interrogatives and tell time pg. 13-15 textbook) 6th panel: talk about school life. (use regular present ar, er, ir verbos + verbo ir pg. 17-19 textbook) 7th panel: talk about the frequency you do things. (frequency adverbs + verbo hacer , salir, pg. 22- 23textbook) 8th panel : talk about the frequency you do things. (frequency adverbs + verbo ver text. pg. 23) When you complete your work you will e-mail it to DO NOT SAVE IN SCHOOL LAPTOP You will be evaluated for using the Correct grammar and vocabulary